Bible math-thinks
Bible trivia
Who am I?
Bible books

What's the answer when you take the number of commandments given by God to Moses on Mount Sinai and subtract the number of demons Jesus drove out of Mary Magdalene? (Exodus 20: 1-17 and Mark 16: 9)

what is 3?

When Samuel picked David as king, God reminded us that while people look at the outward appearance, what does God look at? Is it our motives, our attitude, our work done on earth or our heart? 

What is a heart? 1 Samuel 16:7


I am the 1st woman in the Bible

Who is Eve?


River where John the Baptist did most of his baptizing 

What is the Jordan River (Mark 1:9)


Book in which we read about Moses receiving the Ten Commandments

What is Exodus


What's the answer when you take the number of NAMED children of Adam and Eve and multiply by the number of times Peter denied knowing Christ? (Genesis 4:25 and Matthew 26:34)

What is 9?


How many times did God call out to young Samuel in the night as he was lying down in the house of the Lord? Was it 4 times, three times, once or 20 times?

what is 4 times? 1 Samuel 3:3-10


Methuselah was my grandfather, who is my father?

Who is Lamech? Genesis 5:28-29


This city was often referred to as the "Holy City"

What is Jerusalem? (Revelation 21:1-2)


Number of Bible books written by both Moses and the apostle John 

What is 5?


What's the answer when you take the number of Psalms in the Old Testament and divide by the number of times Jesus calmed the storms on the Sea of Galilee?

What is 75


After Jesus was baptized, God said, "This is my son, whom I_."

Is it whom I love, whom I will bless, whom I cherish, or whom I have sent?

what is Whom I love? Matthew 3:17, Mark 1:11 and Luke 3:22


I was the first high priest of Israel

Who is Aaron? Exodus 29: 9


The most important Biblical event to take place at Golgatha

What is the crucifixion of Jesus? (Mark 15:21-41)


Longest chapter of the Bible

What is Psalm 119


What's the answer when you take the number of Jacob's sons and add on the number of pieces of silver given to Judas Isacriot to betray Jesus? (Genesis 35:22- 6 and Matthew 26:15)

What is 42


Who was the first person to come upon the injured man in the parable of the Good Samaritan? Was it the tax collector, the innkeeper, the priest or the judge?

What is a Priest? Luke 10:25-37


If I was the first High Priest of Israel, which tribe did I belong to in Israel?

What is the tribe of Levi?


Mountain where God asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac

What is Mount. Moriah (Genesis 22:2)

Last book of the Old Testament

What is Malachi


What's the answer when you take the number of Jacob's wives and concubines and multiple with the number of books in the New Testament?

What is 108


How many times does the Bible mention the word "snow"? 

Is it 24 times, 5 times, never or 12 times?

What is 24 times? Here are several verses that mention snow: Psalm 51: 7, Proverbs 31:21, Isaiah 1:18


I was the first prophetess

Who is Miriam? 


Town where Ruth and Naomi lived after returning to Israel

What is Bethlehem?


Book before Jonah

What is Obadiah