The Weird Stuff
Hammer Time
Misc. + Final Jeopardy

Before the printing press was invented, the Bible was hand-___________. Often by monks! 

What is "copied"?


The first five books of the Bible.

What is the "Law"? (Pentateuch, Torah)


God made a covenant with this guy from a land called Mesopotamia. 

Who is "Abram/Abraham"?

One of the reasons we read the Bible Synonym for useful.

What is "practical"?


Who wrote the book of Philippians?

Who is "Paul"? (+ Timothy)


The early Christians rejected some early writings and accepted some to be a part of the Bible. The ones that were accepted are said to be _________.

What is "canon"?


First four books in the New Testament. They the story of Jesus.

What are the "gospels"?


The story of Genesis 2-3 in which sin enters the world and Adam and Eve are cursed (...and the serpent too!).

What is "the Fall"?


Whenever we read the Bible in its historical and literary setting it is said to be read in ________.

What is "context"?

In Jeremiah 29, Jeremiah wrote a letter to the Israelites who were in ______?

What is "exile"?


The old copies of the Bible, ranging from long books to small snippets. They were written on papyrus, leather, and in some cases, tablets.

What are "manuscripts"?


The Old Testament contains the Major and Minor _______. They range in length from REALLY long to really short. And they often involve someone standing up to injustice.

What are the "prophets"?


God established this Kingdom beginning with Saul and being confirmed by his successor David. Eventually, it is split in two halves.

What is the Kingdom of "Israel"?


The word used to describe the process of letting the Bible speak for itself. (Hint: It's opposite begins with the prefix eis-).

What is "exegesis"?


Jeremiah was one of these.

What is a "prophet"?


Before the Bible was written, it was spoken. Communities of Christians would tell the stories of the Bible to each other, much like how your grandparents would tell you a story about your parents as kids. This is called the ______ tradition.

What is "oral"?


The majority of the New Testament contains a certain genre of writing. Paul wrote most of them to churches he planted. 

What are "letters"? (Epistles)


This is the name given for the expected King who would come and establish God's Kingdom fully on earth. The Book of Daniel specifically talks about this title. 

What is "the Messiah"?


One of the other reasons we read the Bible is that it points to this guy.

Who is "Jesus"?


Paul was in this when he wrote the book of Philippians.

What is "prison/jail"?


The Bible was originally written in three ancient languages. We read the Bible in English. These English Bibles are known as ___________.

What are " translations"?


Songbook of the Old Testament. Contains the longest chapter in the entire Bible.

What are "the Psalms"?


These were the "heroes" of the Israelites, raised up to deal with threats before there was a King in the land. Gideon was one of them.

Who are "the judges"?


Of the six questions I gave you to do some "fly-by" reading of the Bible this is the most important.

What is "So what?"?


FINAL JEOPARDY: The name of a particularly strange Gospel that wasn't included in the New Testament canon. It contains a story of a talking cross... which is one of the reasons it wasn't included! 

What is "the Gospel of Peter"?