This was sent out First but did not return with a leaf?
What is a Raven
This man obediently had his army use torches to light up the night sky
These never Wore out on there long journey
This set number will receive a special reward
This Bible location was Heavily seasoned by Jehovahs judgement
Sodom and Gomorrah
Jesus used this animal in his illustration, saying- “your Heavenly Father feeds them”
This man requested a celestial phenomenon to occur
This was worn on clothing to identify an Israelite
Blue Thread above the fringed edge
There were how many Tribes of Israel
This Monument was caused much confusion
Tower of Babal
These were dipped in honey before being eaten
This solder was described as “ruddy with beautiful eyes, and handsome in appearance“
This piece of clothing that holds things in place, stands for truth
The Belt of truth
This plague was #9
Solomon built the temple on this mountain
Mt Moriah
This animal is referred to many times in the Bible
This soldier became a believer after an angel appeared to him
This woman was known for the beautiful dyed purple clothing she would make
This Bible number Represents Emphasis
The Apostle John was exiled on this island were he received the Vision and wrote the book of Revelation
The Island of Patmos
The Bible calls these two Nile animals -“behemoth” and ‘ leviathan‘
Hippopotamus and Crocodile
This man yelled to his servant “is not the arrow behind you?” As a warning to his friend hiding in the bush
This woman was known for her making of beautiful clothing that she gave to needy widows
There we’re this many annual festivals after the Babylonian exile
3-Festival of Cakes
festival of Weeks
festival of Booths
This pool was fed by one of the great engineering feats of antiquity
Hezikiahs Tunnel - it averaged 6’ in height and was 1/3 of a mile long hewn out of solid rock, and is still in use to this day.