- Sinned against Jehovah - Lived in Garden of Eden - Their names are Adam and Eve
What is The First Man and Woman?
- Tried to look like they were from far away -Israelites promised not to fight against them - Many cities in Canaan were ready to fight Israelites
What is the Gibeonites
- A brave man - Lived for 365yrs - Father of Methu'selah
Who is Enoch?
- Struck a rock and water streamed out
Who is Moses?
- "May people know that you, whose name is Jehovah, you alone are the Most High over all the earth."
What is Psalm 83:18?
- Also called a tabernacle - Jehovah told Moses to build it - Holds the ark of the covenant
What is A Tent for Worship?
- A woman helps hide two Israelite spies - Spies tell woman to tie a red cord in her window
Who is Rahab?
- Was killed by david - A Philistine - More than 9 feet tall (6 cubits)
Who is Goliath?
- Had Na'both stoned to death - Hated Jehovah and killed many of his prophets - Jehovah sent Jehu to punish her
Who is Jezebel?
- "And this good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come."
What is Matthew 24:14?
- Nebuchadnezzar trained young men to serve him - This included Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego - They did not die in the fiery furnace
What is They Would Not Bow Down?
- Was prophesied to conquer Babylon 200yrs beforehand - Conquered Babylon without a fight
- Who is Cyrus the Great?
- Gave birth to Jehovah's son
Who is Mary?
- Killed his brother because of jealousy - Used a big rock
Who is Cain?
- "And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away."
What is Revelation 21:4?
- This occurred after Noah and his family entered the ark - Happened due to heavy rain for 40 days and 40 nights
What is the The Great Flood?
- Is described as an angel of light
- Who is Satan
- Jesus asked her for a drink of water at the well
Who is the Samaritan woman?
- Could read the writing on the wall - Was the chief of all the wise men in Babylon
Who is Daniel?
- "Faith is the assured expectation of what is hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities that are not seen."
What is Hebrews 11:1?
- What Jesus did when he saw men were charging money for animals to use for sacrifice - Included turning over tables
- What is Jesus cleans out the temple
- Stole gold and silver that were to be given to the treasury of Jehovah's tabernacle - His theft led to the defeat at Ai
Who is Achan?
- When armies from Moʹab, Amʹmon and Mount Seʹir threatened to attack, he asked Jehovah for help - King of two-tribe kingdom of Israel
Who is Jehoshaphat?
- Asked Jehovah to save him from the king of Assyria - Father of Manasseh
Who is Hezekiah?
- "For God is not unrighteous so as to forget your work and the love you showed for his name by ministering and continuing to minister to the holy ones."
What is Hebrews 6:10?