For God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten son, so that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have ever lasting life
John 3:16
Where Jehovah dwells
The Heavens
I provide daily spiritual guidance
Daily Text
I am the Alpha and Omega
Jehovah God
If we have listened to Christ, will we show it?
His teaching shines as it shows us the way.
It makes us happy to hear and to know it,
But we’ll be blessed if we know and obey.
Listen, Obey and be Blessed
Matthew 26:26,27
The capital city of the ancient nation of Israel
I provide helpful content for the ministry
Teaching Toolbox
I denied Jesus 3 times
In those days all will be young,
All at peace with Jehovah.
Troubles are gone, from now on,
No need to weep or fear.
Life without End At Last
The tent of God is with mankind and he will reside with them...And he will wipe or every tear from their eyes and death will be no more.
Rev 21:3,4
symbol of eternal destruction
The Lake of Fire
Online TV station that can be accessed from the "library" tab
JW Broadcasting
I had a dream of an immense image
Loyal love we wish to show.
As a people, dedicated,
His commands we want to know.
His advice will never fail us,
And his counsel we obey.
He is loyal; we can trust him.
From his side we’ll never stray.
Ever Loyal
There is One who dwells above the circle of the earth
Isaiah 40:22
A prostitute and a City
Babylon The Great
I provide study content for the weekday meeting
Life and Ministry Meeting Workbook
I had 700 wives
There is a way of peace,
The way you’ve come to know.
It is the way you learned,
The way of long ago,
The way that Jesus taught you
When his voice you heard.
This is the way of peace,
Found in Jehovah’s Word.
This Is The Way
Let your Kingdom come. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also on earth.
Matthew 6:10
is a symbolic city that represents the group of Jesus’ followers who go to heaven to rule with him in God’s Kingdom
New Jerusalem
I provide guidance and content for the organization and arrangement of the congregation.
Organized to do Gods Will
The Persian ruler who caused the building of Jehovahs temple at Jerusalem to be stopped.
Your master’s the one to whom you bow.
He is your god; you serve him now.
You cannot serve two gods;
Devotion cannot be shared.
And so in the end your choice will depend
On how your heart is prepared.
To Whom Do You Belong