Which disciple betrayed Jesus?
Who inspired God's word (The Bible)
The Holy Spirit (God)
What is the name of this book in the Bible that got its name because it contains so many numbers?
Where were Adam and Eve before the fall of man?
What is the common name of the first four books in the New Testament?
The Gospels
Who was the strongest man in the Bible? He tore a lion apart with his bare hands. He pushed down the pillars of a temple burying himself and about 3,000 Philistines alive.
How many books are in the Bible?
This is the number of tribes of Israel and the number of disciples.
Sea of Galilee
Where was Jesus crucified?
Who was the wisest man in the Bible? He asked God for an understanding mind instead of money, power, or a long life.
What book has sold more, The Bible or Harry Potter?
The Bible is the number one selling book in the world.
This special number often means God is about to usher in some new event or era. The rain during the flood lasted this many days. Jesus fasted in the wilderness for this many days
What was the mountain of the Ten Commandments?
Mount Sinai
What does the word "Gospel" literally mean?
Good News