The____ is my shepherd I _____ not want.
Lord; shall
Psalms 23:1
This feeling caused Peter to fall in when he was walking on water to Jesus
Matthew 14:28-32
The first woman that was deceived by the serpent
He first thought his fiancé was unfaithful
Matt 1:18-25
How many commandments were given to Moses?
100 pts + Special Gift
What is a gift from God that you know you have been sitting on/not using? We need DETAILS!!
I am the ____; you are the _____. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much _____; apart from me, you can do ______
vine; branches; fruit; nothing
John 15:5
How long was Lazarus was in the tomb?
4 days
John 11:17
Mother of John the Baptist
Luke 1:5-25; Luke 1:57-80
God made him the Father of Many Nations
Gen 17:4-5
How many disciples did Jesus choose?
12 - They are known as the "Twelve Apostles"
What is the name of our monthly Jesus & Coffee meeting for the ladies local to Atlanta?
Jesus & Coffee Table Talk
Now ____ is the substance of things ____ _____, the evidence of things _____ seen
faith; hoped for; not
Hebrews 11:1
After they had caught a great number of fish... this is what Jesus told Peter, James & John that they would be doing
catching men alive (fishing for men)
After Peter, James, and John had caught a great number of fish at Jesus’ instruction, Jesus said to Peter:
“Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching men.” (Luke 5:10 ESV)
Name of Martha and Lazarus' sister
John, Chapter 11
300 pts + Special Gift
Of the many notable names that Jesus is referred to in the bible, please name one AND the meaning!
How many fruit of the spirit are there? Name them.
9 - love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control Gal.5:22-23
Official launch date of our Jesus & Coffee Group
September 7th, 2022
400 pts + Special Gift
What Bible verse has had a significant impact on your life? Details please.
This activity caused Jesus to turn the tables over in anger
Conducting business in God's temple
Matthew 21:12-13
Jesus emphasized the sanctity of the temple as a place of worship
Isaac's wife
Genesis 24:67
He sold his birthright to his twin brother, Jacob
Genesis 25:29-34
How many wise men went to give gifts to Jesus as a young child?
Tanisha's famous Jesus & Coffee phrase...
Everyone has a ____ at the ____.
seat; table
...if you have faith as ____ ____ ____ ____ ____, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move.
small as a mustard seed
Matthew 18:20
3 things satan tempted Jesus with while on earth
Turn stones into bread;
Throw himself off the pinnacle of the temple;
worship him for all the kingdoms in the world
Matthew 4
The prostitute who hid the 2 Israelite spies that were sent out to scout the city of Jericho
Joshua 2:1-24
He came before Jesus, to baptize and prepare the way of the Lord
John the Baptist
Matt 3:1-12
How long did Jesus wait after the resurrection before he ascended into Heaven?
40 days
What scripture is featured on our local Jesus & Coffee merch?
I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me, you can do nothing. John 15:5