I am the mother of all living
(what did I do wrong?)
How many books are in the new testament
(who wrote most of them?)
place where Jesus walks on water
Sea of Galilee
(who also walked with Him?)
The source of Sampson's strength
God's Power
(how did he lose his power?)
Who wrote the bible?
God & Man
(how many books?)
Jesus saw me under the fig tree
How many fruits of the spirit are there?
(name them)
Place where the H.S came?
The upperroom/Jeruselam
What David used to Kill Goliath
Stone and sword
(Who actually killed goliath?)
About how many years did it take to write the entire bible?
I am the disciple whom Jesus Loved
(what was my nickname Jesus gave me)
How many tribes of Isreal were there?
(name them)
Place where Jesus prayed when He was arrested
(what did He pray for?)
This was used to guide Isreal in the wilderness at night
Pillar of Fire
(what guided them during the day?)
What is the purpose of the bible?
So God can communicate to us.
(what is one other main way God speaks to us?)
Shem and I covered my father with a garment
(what was our other brothers name)
How many spies were sent into the land of Canaan
(do you know the two who came out with good reports?)
The place where light shined from heaven on Paul
The Road to Damascus
(how many days did he stay blind?)
What Jesus said that He would destroy and rebuild in 3 days
The temple
(do you know what else He was referring to?)
What is the word for the bible is incabale of being wrong or having mistakes?
My name means He deceives
(Do you know why)
How many days was Lazarus dead before Jesus raised him up?
(do you know why 4 days were important?)
The place Abraham rescued Lot from
Sodom and Gomarrah
(what did Lots wife turn into?)
This cried from the ground when Abel died
How does the H.S help in determining the meaning of a text?
He does not give us the answers, but He illuminates our thoughts.
(who actually determines the meaning of any text?)