Bible Characters
Bible Verses
Bible Prophecies
Bible Chapters

What kingdom is created according to the New Testament?

Who is New Spiritual Israel?


Where is God's will completed? Give a chapter reference

What is Revelation 21 


Jesus told us in Matthew 6:33 to seek first Gods kingdom and His righteousness. to what kind of kingdom was Jesus referring?

What kind of kingdom: The twelve tribes of New Spiritual Israel


What chapter describes the mountain of Betrayal?

What is Revelation 13 


Who did God's will in the time of the old testament and in the time time of the first coming?

Who is Moses and Jesus 


Where is the reference about the mystery of the betrayers?

What is Revelation 1:20 


Who are the sun, moon, and stars of Genesis 37:9-11?

What is - The saints of the tabernacle of the chosen people, Physical Israel


What chapter describes about the mountain of Destruction?

What is Revelation 17 


Who is the one who speaks on behalf mentioned in the New Testament?

Who is the Counselor, the holy spirit, and the promised pastor New John 


When are the end times for the churches? Give a reference.

What is Matthew 13:38-39 


According to Deuteronomy 28, explain the difference between the one who overcomes and those who are defeated. 

The one who overcomes establishes the 12 tribes of Israel and receives all the promised blessings. Those who are defeated are cursed, destroyed, and flee in seven ways. 


What chapter describes the mountain of Salvation?

What is Revelation 14 


Who is the actual reality of the entity prophesied in Ezekiel 1-3?

Who is Jesus, the Son of man who received the revealed scroll


What are the four requirements for participating in the wedding banquet? Include references 

Whis is Psalm 119:105, Matthew 25, Matthew 22, Revelation 7 


Explain the content of Jeremiah 1:9-10 

What is - God chooses one pastor, gives him the Word, and appoints him over all nations. God tells His pastor to uproot and destroy the old, to build and to re-plant something new.


In what Chapter is Gods will completed?

What is Revelation 21


Who are the betrayers, destroyers, and the savior?

who are the seven messengers of the tabernacle of the seven golden lampstands, the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, the one who fights and overcomes satan and his nicolaitans


What are the references that pertain to Jesus' fulfillment of Ezekiel 28 and Ezekiel 37?

What is John 16:33, John 5:24-29 


Write the 5 key points of Isaiah 1:1-2:4 

What is the 1. vision concerning Judah and Jerusalem. 2. Betrayal of the chosen people reared by God
3. Destruction of the chosen people by the gentiles 4. The place all nations must come to learn 5. Making spears into pruning hooks.


What Chapter describes the people created by Jesus blood?

What is Revelation 12, 7, and 5