Women in the Bible
Books of the Bible
Jesus Said...
Bible Stories

What were the names of the first two sons in the Bible?

What is Cain and Able (Genesis 4:1-2)


What Jewish women became queen of the Philistines and saved the Jews from persecution?

What is Esther (Esther 2:17, 8:6-8)


What book of the Bible are we told about a beast with seven heads and ten horns that rose up out of the sea and upon his head the name of blasphemy?

What is Revelation (Revelation 13:1)


In what book of the Bible is Jesus quoted as saying, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."

What is John (John 14:6)


Who was God's chosen person to build an ark and load all creatures of the earth 2 by 2?

What is Noah (Genesis 6:8)


How long does the Bible state it took for creation.

What is 6 days (Genesis 1:31)


Lazarus was raised from the dead by Jesus in John 11, what were the names of Lazarus' sisters?

What are Mary and Martha (John 11: 1)


What book of the Bible is known as "Songs"?

What is Psalms 


In Matthew 7:7-8 what are you to show others that they may see your good deeds to glorify your God?

What is "let your light shine"

What person in the Bible obtained their strength through their hair, therefore he was forbade to cut it?

Samson (Judges 13:5-24)


What wood did Noah use to build the ark?

Gopher Wood (Genesis 6:14)


Who was found to be with child at the age of 90?

What is Sarah (Genesis 17:15-19)


The Bible has 66 books.  What is the last book of the Old Testament?

What is Malachi


As Jesus was on the cross, what was the last thing he said before he gave up the ghost?

"It is finished." John 19:30 


"Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit."  Luke 23:46


Moses, who was thought to be a son of Egypt, was in fact a Hebrew child who had been found in a river and raised by Egyptian royalty.  What was Moses found floating in?

What is an ark (Exodus 2:3)

Abraham was considered a rich man in Genesis 13; what 3 items did Abraham have to show his wealth?

What is Gold, Silver and Cattle (Genesis 13:2)


After Jesus' burial, what two women went to observe the sepulchre and found that Jesus had risen?

What is Mary Magdalene and the other Mary (Matthew 28:1)


"A _____________ a day keeps the devil away"?

What is a Proverb (Pastor Brice)


Matthew 22:37-40 Jesus talks about love.  What 3 things are we to love the Lord with?

What is "with all thy Heart, and with all thy sould, and with all thy mind."


What two items did a young boy give to Jesus in order to feed the five thousand?

What is 5 loaves of bread and two fish (Matthew 14:19)


In what way did Jacob steal the blessings of Isaac from Esau?

What is by pretending to be Esau and serving Isaac goats meat in place of the venison (Genesis 27:1-25)


In Judges chapter 4, the Bible tells us about a female judge, the only one in the bible, who was it?

What is Deborah (Judges 4:4)


The Bible can be viewed as before Christ's time on Earth, Jesus' time on Earth, and the preparation for Jesus to return.  What four books of the Bible outline Jesus' life on Earth?

Matthew, Mark, Luke and John


in John 15:12-13, Jesus commanded that we should love one another as he has loved us.  Jesus then gave an example of how to show the Greatest Love.  What action shows the greatest love?

What is "that a man may lay down his lift for his friends?"


Because Jonah did everything in his power to avoid going to Ninevah, how long did he stay in the belly of the whale?

What is 3 days and 3 nights - Matthew 12:40