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Majestic power, the cosmos birthed.

Nguvu kuu, ulimwengu ulizaliwa.

What is the event described?

Creation- Genesis 1:1


Seeking favor, offerings they brought,

One's sacrifice accepted, the other's not.

Cultivator of soil, toiled with care,

Yet his brother's gift found favor there.

Wakitafuta kibali, walileta matoleo, Dhabihu ya mmoja ilikubaliwa, ile ya yule mwingine haikubaliwa. Mkulima wa udongo, aliyefanya kazi kwa bidii, Hata hivyo, zawadi ya ndugu yake ilipata kibali huko.

Who is the focus of this enigmatic riddle?

Cain, the first child born on earth to the original human pair; Adam and Eve


What was Satan challenging, When he approached eve? (**Bonus**)- What was he seeking?

Shetani alikuwa akipinga nini, Alipomkaribia Hawa? (**Bonasi**) - Alikuwa akitafuta nini?

Jehovah's Sovereignty and His fairness. (**Bonus**)- His Sovereignty, here on earth.


In a city shrouded, a tale takes flight,

A soul redeemed, veiled from sight.

When spring emerged, in a distant time,

   Two spies sought shelter.

Katika mji uliofunikwa, hadithi hufanyika, Nafsi iliyookolewa, iliyofichwa kutoka kwa macho. Hapo zamani za kale, wapelelezi wawili wamekaa.



What book is spoken of here: 

In ancient times, a people's plight,

Enslaved in darkness, yearning for light.

From Egypt's grasp, they sought release,

A nation destined for eternal peace.

With mighty hand and outstretched arm,

God intervened, causing nations alarm.

From bondage's chains, He set them free,

A chosen people, His nation to be.

Katika nyakati za kale, hali ya watu, Watumwa katika giza, wakitamani nuru. Kutoka mikononi mwa Misri, walitafuta uhuru, Taifa lililowekwa kwa ajili ya amani ya milele. Kwa mkono wa nguvu na mkono ulionyoshwa, Mungu aliingilia kati, akisababisha mataifa yatetemeke. Kutoka minyororo ya utumwa, Aliwaweka huru, Watu waliochaguliwa, taifa la Mungu.

The Book of Exodus:

God delivered the Israelites from slavery in Egypt and made them a nation dedicated to him.


What Prophecy is described in Genesis 3:14,15(**Bonus**)- Provide 2 supporting scriptures.

The first notice of the coming Messiah and the Declaration of Judgement on Satan and those who follow him.- Matthew 27:50/Acts 3:15, Revelation 20:9,10/1 John 3:10  


What does 666 mean, in the Bible?

Nambari 666 Inamaanisha Nini?

666 is the number, or name, of the wild beast with seven heads and ten horns that comes out of the sea. This beast is a symbol of the worldwide political system, which rules over “every tribe and people and tongue and nation.” The name 666 identifies the political system as a gross failure in God’s sight.-(Revelation 13:1, 17, 18),(Revelation 13:7)

666 ndiyo nambari, au jina, la yule mnyama-mwitu aliye na vichwa saba na pembe kumi anayepanda kutoka katika bahari. Mnyama-mwitu huyo anawakilisha mfumo wa kisiasa wa ulimwenguni pote, ambao unatawala juu ya “kila kabila na watu na lugha na taifa.” Jina 666 linaonyesha kwamba kwa maoni ya Mungu mfumo wa kisiasa umeshindwa kabisa.


In divine decree, Jehovah's voice resounds,

Commanding waters to evaporate, earth's rivers to be bound.

Speaking of his annointed, a chosen shepherd, fulfilling His will,

And of Jerusalem's rise, the temple's foundation to instill.

King Cyrus


A regal reign, spanning years so vast,

For many years, it was cast.

Within this time, a peculiar phase,

"Seven Times" endured, in a unique daze.

Utawala wa kifalme, kwa miaka mingi sana, Kwa miaka mingi, ilikuwa imechongwa. Ndani ya wakati huu, awamu ya kipekee, "Nyakati Saba" ziliendelea kwa muda mrefu, kwa njia ya pekee. 

King Nebuchadnezzar


When did the covenant between Jehovah and Abraham seemingly come into effect, and in what year?

Agano kati ya Yehova na Abrahamu lilianza lini, na katika mwaka gani?

1943 B.C.E, Abram crosses the Euphrates


In the land where ancient stories unfold,

A city of history and tales untold.

A place of worship, revered and renowned,

Its name in mystery, yet easily found.

Within its walls, diversity thrives,

Where cultures blend and tradition survives.

A sacred place where faiths convene,

A mosaic of beliefs, harmonious scene.

Where prophets walked and legends were born,

A city's secrets, not to be torn.

Katika nchi ambako hadithi za kale zinasemwa, Jiji lenye historia na hadithi zisizoelezwa. Mahali pa ibada, pa kuheshimiwa na pa kujulikana, Jina lake ni fumbo, lakini ni rahisi kulipata. Ndani ya kuta zake, utofauti unakua, Ambapo tamaduni zinachanganyika na desturi huendelea kuishi. Mahali patakatifu ambapo imani hukutana, Mchanganyiko wa imani, mandhari yenye upatano. Hapa manabii walitembea na hadithi zilizaliwa, Siri za jiji, Lisiloweza kuvunjwa.



What Book is expressed here:

By a prophet's quill, a sorrowful song,

A tale of a city, its fate gone wrong.

Grief expressed over ruins and despair,

A land once grand, now in disrepair.

Through tearful words, the heartache shown,

Princess's destruction, a story well-known.

But amidst the ruins, a glimmer of light,

A path to mercy, through repentance might.

Kwa kalamu ya nabii, wimbo wa huzuni, Hadithi ya mji, hatima yake ilienda vibaya. Huzuni iliyoonyeshwa juu ya magofu na kukata tamaa, Ardhi ambayo wakati mmoja ilikuwa kubwa, sasa iko katika hali mbaya. Kupitia maneno na machozi, huzuni iliyoonyeshwa, kuangamizwa kwa binti wa mfalme , hadithi maalumu. Lakini katikati ya magofu, mwangaza wa nuru, Njia ya rehema, kupitia toba.

The Book of Lamentations: 

Written by the prophet Jeremiah, the book expresses grief over Jerusalem’s destruction and shows how repentance leads to divine mercy.


What were "Seven Times" mentioned in Daniel chapter 4 Symbolic of? What two events?(**Bonus**)-Provide Supporting scriptures.

A sign of two things: 

1. The great tree represented King Nebuchadnezzar himself. (Daniel 4:20-22) He was ‘chopped down’, figuratively when he temporarily lost his sanity and kingship for seven years. (Daniel 4:25) When God restored his sanity, Nebuchadnezzar regained his throne and acknowledged God’s rulership.

2. The prophecy in Daniel chapter 4 reveals that God is the true Ruler and gives rulership to whomever He chooses. Nebuchadnezzar was not the intended recipient of ultimate rulership, as God would establish a kingdom that would never be destroyed, fulfilled in Jesus Christ(Ezekiel 21:25-27, Luke 1:30-33). The immense tree represents God's rulership, and its chopping down signifies an interruption in both Nebuchadnezzar's kingship(Him going Crazy) and God's rulership(607, destruction of Jerusalem, no king arose, until Jesus in 1914). The "seven times" represent a period when nations ruled without interference from God's established kingdom. The Bible provides the way to determine the length of those prophetic “seven times.” It says that three and a half “times” equal 1,260 days, so “seven times” equal twice that number, or 2,520 days. (Revelation 12:6, 14). By applying the prophetic rule of "a day for a year,"(Numbers 14:34; Ezekiel 4:6) the "seven times" equal 2,520 years, which ended in October 1914. These interpretations are based on a specific religious perspective. 


Identify the characters and meanings behind them, From the prophecy stated in Genesis 3:14-15.

Tambua wahusika na maana zao, Kutokana na unabii uliotajwa kwenye Mwanzo 3:14-15.


Satan the Devil, whom Revelation 12:9 identifies as “the original serpent”


Wicked spirit creatures and humans who resist Jehovah God and oppose His people


The heavenly part of Jehovah’s organization made up of his faithful spirit creatures


Jesus Christ and his 144,000 anointed co-rulers (Revelation 14:1-3 )


In a distant time, in a foreign land,

Three noble souls, their faith did stand.

Denounced by some, for their steadfast ways,

They faced a trial in fiery blaze.

Before the king, they were brought to face,

Accused of defiance, in that very place.

Their hearts unwavering, they stood tall,

Refusing to yield, to the king's call.

Meshach; Shadrach; and Abednego denounced before the king for refusing to bow down to the king’s golden image the response to it.


In ancient times, a man unwise,

His actions harsh, a foolish guise.

His wife, with beauty and discretion,

Saved the day with her intervention.

From Maon's city, where desert winds blow,

Their story unfolds, a captivating show.

She caught the eye of a future king,

A shepherd boy, whose heart would sing.

His name renowned, his deeds well-known,

A leader destined for a royal throne.

A man of folly, a woman of grace,

Their story weaves through time and space.

Katika nyakati za kale, mtu ambaye hakuwa na hekima, Matendo yake ni ya ukali, ya kipumbavu. Na mkewe, mwenye uzuri na busara, Aliokoa siku kwa uingiliaji wake. Kutoka mji Maon ya, ambapo upepo jangwa pigo, Hadithi yao yafunuka, wonyesho wenye kuvutia. Alivutiwa na mfalme wa wakati ujao, Mvulana mchungaji, ambaye moyo wake ungeimba. Jina lake linajulikana, matendo yake yanajulikana, Kiongozi aliyewekwa kwenye kiti cha ufalme. Mtu wa upumbavu, mwanamke wa neema, Hadithi yao imeenea wakati na mahali pote.

(Provide the scripture for a bonus of half the points)

David, Abigail, Nabal (1Sa 25:2, 3; Jos 15:20, 55) 


What Stones were present on the 3rd row of the Breastpiece of Judgment? (**Bonus**)-Provide the Scripture

Ni Mawe gani yaliyokuwa kwenye safu ya tatu ya kifuko cha kifuani cha maamuzi?

Leshʹem stone, Agate, Amethyst- Exodus 28:19


Majestic and grand, a temple stood tall,
Upon a rocky eminence, a sight to enthrall.
Solomon, wise and mighty, built it with care,
To honor Jehovah, in a place beyond compare.

Utukufu na ukuu, hekalu lilisimama juu, Juu ya mwinuko wenye miamba, mandhari yenye kuvutia. Sulemani, mwenye hekima na nguvu, alijenga kwa uangalifu. Kumheshimu Yehova, katika mahali pasipo na kifani.

Mount Moriah


What Book is expressed?

A timeless letter, words of encouragement,

Guidance for the faithful, amidst life's turbulent.

An invitation to action, to embrace the call,

To cast our anxieties, surrendering all.

Be active, he urges, in steadfast devotion,

Embrace the challenges, with fervent emotion.

For in our trials and worries, burdens we bear,

We find solace and peace when we share.

Throw all anxieties upon God's loving care,

In His embrace, find comfort beyond compare.

For He is the source of strength and relief,

A refuge for the weary, A sanctuary against life's grief.

Barua ya umilele, maneno ya kutia moyo, Mwongozo kwa ajili ya waamini, katikati ya maisha yenye msukosuko. Mwaliko wa kuchukua hatua, kukubali wito, Ili kutupa wasiwasi wetu, kujisalimisha yote. Uwe mwenye kutenda, yeye ahimiza, katika ujitoaji thabiti, Kubali magumu hayo kwa hisia nyingi. Kwa kuwa katika majaribu na mahangaiko yetu, mizigo tunayobeba, Tunapata faraja na amani tunaposhiriki. Mtupie Mungu mahangaiko yako yote, Katika ukumbusho Wake, pata faraja isiyo na kifani. Hakika Yeye ndiye Mwenye nguvu na Mwenye kushinda. kimbilio kwa waliochoka, kimbilio dhidi ya huzuni ya maisha.

The Book of 1 Peter:

Peter’s first letter encourages us to be active and to throw all our anxieties on God.


Matthew 1:21-23 Fulfills what Prophecy?

Called by the name Immanuel, a Phrophcy made through Isaiah-Isaiah 7:14


What Scripture is this? "A stream of fire was flowing and going out from before him. A thousand thousands kept ministering to him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him. The Court took its seat, and books were opened.?(**Bonus)- What event is about to take place, and what year is all this?

(**Bonus) - Ni tukio gani linalofanyika, na ni mwaka gani?

"Mto wa moto ulikuwa ukitiririka kutoka mbele zake. Elfu kwa maelfu waliendelea kumhudumia, na elfu kumi mara elfu kumi walisimama mbele zake. Mahakama ikaketi, na vitabu vikafunguliwa."

Daniel 7:10- Jehovah is sitting on his throne in preparation for the crowing of his son, Jesus. Year 1914.


Tears shed, love shown, yet some hearts turned,

Betrayal plotted, as envy burned.

A pact was made, silver exchanged hands

Machozi yalimwagika, upendo ulionyeshwa, lakini baadhi ya mioyo iligeuka, Walipanga njama ya kumsaliti, huku wivu ukiwaka. Mkataba ulifanywa, fedha kubadilishana mikono

Lazurus' Resurrection


In divine decree, Jehovah's voice resounds,

Commanding waters to evaporate, earth's rivers to be bound.

Speaking of his anointed, a chosen shepherd, fulfilling His will,

And of Jerusalem's rise, the temple's foundation to instill.

Kwa amri ya kimungu, sauti ya Yehova inasikika, Akiamuru maji yachemke, na mito ya dunia ifungwe. Akizungumza juu ya mtiwa mafuta wake, mchungaji mteule, anayetimiza mapenzi Yake, Na juu ya kurudishwa kwa Yerusalemu, msingi wa hekalu uwekwe.

King Cyrus


I was 969 years old.



In ancient lands, where empires did rise,
A city of booldshed, known for its size.
Founded by Nimrod, a hunter of might,
In opposition to Jehovah's divine light.

Katika nchi za kale, ambako milki nyingi ilitawala, Jiji la umwagaji damu, linalojulikana kwa ukubwa wake. Ilianzishwa na Nimrodi, mwindaji mwenye nguvu, mtu aliyepinga nuru ya kimungu ya Yehova.  



What Book is Expressed?:

Through the pages, faith is fortified,

A reminder of God's power, magnified.

For just as in those day, trials abounded,

Jehovah's ability to deliver, astoundingly sounded.

From clear shown courage, a lesson profound,

That in times of trouble, God's hand is found.

No matter the trials we face today,

Jehovah's deliverance will light our way.

Kupitia kurasa, imani inaimarishwa, Ni ukumbusho wa Mwenyezi Mungu Mtukufu. Kwa kuwa kama ilivyokuwa siku hizo, majaribu yaliongezeka, Uwezo wa Yehova wa kukomboa, ulitangazwa kwa njia yenye kushangaza. Kutoka ujasiri wazi alionyesha, somo kina, Kwamba katika nyakati za taabu, mkono wa Mungu hupatikana. Hata tukikabili majaribu gani leo, Wokovu wa Yehova utaangazia njia yetu.

The Book of Esther:

The dramatic events of Esther’s day will strengthen your faith in Jehovah God’s ability to deliver his people out of trials today.


The Psalms found Psalms 8:2 reveal what prophetic event?

Psalm 8:2- Out of the mouth of children and infants you have established strength on account of your adversaries, To silence the enemy and the avenger.

Jesus Praised by children- Matthew 21:15, 16


How many men worked on the Temple and How long was its construction?

Ni watu wangapi walifanya kazi ya kujenga Hekalu na ujenzi wake ulichukua muda gani?

(Bonus: what year was it completed)

More than 180,000 men worked for seven and a half years to construct the temple, completing it in 1027 B.C.E.


Witnessing their obstinacy and their fall,
God's burning anger threatened to befall.
A proposal emerged, a plan anew,
To create a great nation, starting with a few

Aliona ukaidi wao na kuanguka kwao, Ghadhabu kali ya Mungu ilikuwa karibu kumwangukia. Pendekezo lilitokea, mpango mpya, Kuunda taifa kubwa, kupitia yule mmoja


The Israelites worshipping the Ido on mount Sinai


A helper from Greece, by Paul's side he stood,

Laboring together, spreading what's good.

When the circumcision debate did arise,

To Jerusalem they journeyed, seeking wise.

Sent to Corinth, his mission was clear,

Assisting the needy, spreading cheer.

Observing their response, a crucial task,

To Paul's letter, how did they unmask?

In Macedonia, they met once more,

His report brought comfort to the core.

Affection for Corinthians, his heart did swell,

Their obedience and attitude, a story to tell.

Msaidizi mmoja kutoka Ugiriki, alisimama kando ya Paulo, Kufanya kazi pamoja, kueneza yaliyo mema. Wakati mjadala wa tohara ulipoibuka, Kwa Yerusalemu walisafiri, wakitafuta hekima. Alipotumwa Korintho, kazi yake ilikuwa wazi, Kuwasaidia wenye uhitaji, kueneza furaha. Kuangalia majibu yao, kazi muhimu, Kwa barua ya Paulo, wao walifunuaje? Huko Makedonia, walikutana tena, Ripoti yake iliwafariji sana. Upendo kwa Wakorintho, moyo wake alifanya kuvimba, Utii wao na mtazamo wao, ni hadithi ya kusimulia.



How many Fruitage of the Spirit are mentioned in Galatians 5:22,23? And what are they?

Taja Tunda la Roho, zinazo atikana kwenyeWagalitia 5:22,23

9- love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, self-control

Upendo, shangwe, amani, subira, fadhili, wema, imani, upole, kujizuia


Ah, the hometown of Nathanael, a place so dear,
Where Jesus performed a miracle, bringing cheer.
In the midst of a wedding feast, a joyful affair,
He transformed water into wine, a sign so rare.

Ah, mji wa Nathanael, mahali alipenda,

Ambapo Yesu alifanya muujiza, kuleta furaha.

Katikati ya karamu ya harusi, jambo la furaha,

Aligeuza maji yawe divai, ishara isiyo ya kawaida.



What Book is Expressed:

Within this concise letter, lessons reside,

Practical teachings, a gentle guide.

Humility, the virtue that shines,

Kindness and forgiveness, intertwine.

Ndani ya barua hii fupi, mafunzo ya kuishi, Mafundisho yenye kutumika, mwongozo wenye fadhili. Unyenyekevu, wema ambao huangaza, Fadhili na msamaha huchangamana.

The Book of Philemon:

This short but powerful letter has practical lessons about humility, kindness, and forgiveness.


What Is the Scarlet-Colored Beast? What was its first inception and what is it now?

Mnyama-Mwitu Mwenye Rangi Nyekundu ni nani?

The scarlet-colored beast symbolizes the organization whose purpose is to unite and represent the world's nations. It first existed as the League of Nations and is now the United Nations. 


Safina ya Noa ilikuwa na muundo gani?

What were the dimensions and internal structure of the Ark?


In size the ark was 300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide and 30 cubits high. Internally strengthened by adding two floors, the three decks thus provided gave a total of more than 91,000 square feet of space.