Which Gospel is the shortest?
What is 'The book of Mark'
What is the name of the angel that appeared to Mary?
What is 'Gabriel'
The Ark of the Covenant was carried around and around what city?
What is 'Jericho'
Just sWEEP
(HINT: shortest verse of the Bible)
What is 'Jesus Wept'
"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own ____"
What is 'Understanding'
Which Gospel is the longest?
What is 'The book of Luke'
Cherubim with a flaming sword guarded the way to what?
What is 'The Tree of Life'
What was placed in the Ark of the Covenant along with the golden pot that had manna, and Aaron's rod that budded?
What is 'the tables of the Covenant'
(HINT: Cheer Continuously)
What is 'Rejoice Always'
"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of _____"
What is 'Knowledge'
Matthew 28:19 is also known as what?
What is 'The Great Commission'
What happened to Zacharias after his Angel encounter?
What is 'He became mute'
Who built the Ark of the Covenant?
Who was 'Bezalel'
air OF hut
(HINT: Overcomes the world)
What is 'Our Faith'
"A soft answer turned away wrath, but grievous words ____"
What is 'Stir up anger'
What two men in the Bible never died?
What is 'Enoch and Elijah'
Which Angel appeared in Daniel's vision?
What is 'Gabriel'
How many cherubim were on the mercy seat?
What is 'two'
Heat for July
(HINT: Happy Organ)
What is 'Joyful Heart'
"Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above ____"
What is 'Rubies'
Who built the first city?
What is 'Cain'
The birth of which judge was announced by the Angel of the Lord?
What is 'Samson'
What idol of the Philistines fell on his face before the Ark of the Covenant?
What is 'Dagon'
(HINT: secure lookout)
What is 'Strong Tower'
"A word fitly spoken is like ____"
What is 'Apples of gold in pitchers of silver'