Pure Worship
Say My Name, Say My Name
Can You Sing?
Define Time
The Gospel

The four faces of what "looked like" four living creatures to Ezekiel.

What are a man, a lion, a bull and an eagle. - Eze. 1:6, 10


The names of Naomi's sons.

Who are Mahlon and Chilion? - Ruth 1:2


Some people turn away, others might be led astray. Still we're glad to bear his name and witness just the same.

What is "How Does it Make You Feel?" - Song #76


Future revealed, events in time recorded before they occur.

What is the prophecy?


The Apostle Peter was likely the source of many of the eye witness accounts of this Bible writer. 

Who is Mark? - Introduction to Mark, Study Bible


The four ways the the Israelites became spiritually unclean.

What are: 1. Idolatrous Symbol of Jealousy; 2. 70 Elders offering incense to false gods; 3. Women weeping over God Tammuz; & 4. 25 Men "Bowing Down to the Sun". - Eze. 8:5-18


Obed's father.

Who is Boaz? - Ruth 4:21


It doesn't matter where they may be found Or what at first they might appear to be. What really counts is what they are at heart -- The inner self, the one Jehovah sees.

What is 'Preaching to all Sorts of People' - Song #57


The assured expectation of what is hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities that are not seen.

What is the faith? Heb. 11:1


This Bible writer recorded his Gospel 8 years after Jesus' death.

Who is Matthew? - Introduction to Matthew - Study Bible.


This phrase appears more than 90 occurrences in the book of Ezekiel. 

What is "Son of man." - Ezek. 2:1 (Teaching Box 7B)


He was 16 years old when he became king and he reigned for 52 years in Jerusalem; his mother was Jecoliah of Jerusalem.

Who is King Uzziah. - 2 Chronicles 26:3


Your glory, God, your mighty works abound, In skies above, their praise for you resounds. Creation speaks without a word; In all the earth, its message can be heard.

What is "Creation Praises God" - Song 11


A Festival to Jehovah or "the festival of ingathering at the turn of the year."

What is the Festival of Booths? - Lev. 23:34-38


"Truly I say to you that this generation will by no means pass away until all things happen."

What is, Luke 21:32?


Ezekiel is instructed by Jehovah to write this on the two sticks:

What is "for Judah" and "for Joseph, the stick of Ephraim". - Ezek. 37:15-16


A brother, fellow worker and fellow soldier of Paul, an "envoy" and Paul's personal servant who had nearly fallen sick to the point of death.

Who is Epaphroditus? - Phil. 2:25-27


And here at home, in towns nearby, We plan, we build, new skills we try.  We learn to speak a foreign tongue and bring good news to everyone.

What is "Reaching Out" - Song #84


Dried sap (gum resin) from trees and bushes of certain species of the genus Boswellia - when burned gave off a sweet-smelling fragrance; an ingredient of the holy incense used at the tabernacle and the temple.

What is frankincense. Lev 2:1,2; nwtstg


"God is a Spirit, and those worshiping him must worship with spirit and truth."

What is, John 4:24.


Name of the city in Ezekiel's final vision.

What is "Jehovah is There!" - Ezek. 48:35


The one having the keys to the abyss.

Who is the Angel also known as Jesus Christ. - Rev. 20:1 


We had no hope until he came to save mankind.  But now our hope is finding life, leaving death behind.

What is "Grateful for the Ransom" - Song #18


Plant used by the Israelites in Egypt to splash the blood of the Passover victim on the doorposts and upper part of the doorway of their houses.

What is hyssop? - Exodus 12:21,22


"Jehovah has shown favor."

Who is John? it-2 pp. 91-94