The number of days God took to create the earth.
On the first day God said "Let there be ____"?
The names of the first two people God created.
Adam & Eve
The number of books in the Bible.
After God created the world what day did he rest.
Day 7
What is the name of the man who survived the flood by building an ark?
The number of books in the New Testament.
Man was created on this day.
Day 6
Which Bible character was swallowed by a great fish?
The number of books in the Old Testament.
After God created the world what day did he rest.
Day 7
Who was the first king of Jerusalem that fought and defeated the giant Goliath?
King David
How many times did Jesus say you should forgive your brother when he sins against you?
70 times
What is the first sin man did in the Bible?
Adam & Eve ate a fruit that God told them not to eat.