The Lord is my ________ I shall not want.
Psalms 23:1
Jesus was in the tomb/grave for this number of days.
Matthew 12:40
The wife of Joseph and mother of Jesus.
The place where Adam and Eve lived before they were driven out by God.
the Garden of Eden
Genesis 2:15
He was Jesus' earthly father.
Luke 4:21-22
What did the woman pour on Jesus’ feet at the home of Simon the Leper?
Jar of expensive perfume
This wise king, known for his judgment and the construction of the First Temple in Jerusalem, was the son of King David and Bathsheba.
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things____.
not seen
Hebrews 11:1
This is the number of Tribes of Israel.
Genesis 49:28
She was Abraham's wife and mother of Isaac.
Genesis 17:19
"And God told Ezekiel to prophesy to these bones, telling them to be joined back together, covered with flesh, and come to life."
Where was Ezekiel at this time?
A Valley
Ezekiel 37:12–14
I prophesied about a Messiah coming. Who am I?
What did Samson use to kill a thousand men?
Donkey's jawbone
This is the shortest book in the Bible.
The Book of Obadiah
For my ____ is easy and my burden light.
Matthew 11:30
The number of books in the Old Testament.
She was married to Isaac, and the mother of Esau and Jacob.
Genesis 24:51
This is where the 10 Commandments were given.
Mount Sinai
Exodus 31:18
David's best friend
1 Samuel 18:1
The animal God used to speak to Balaam.
a donkey
Numbers 22:22-34
Jesus saw me under the fig tree.
John 1:47-48
I can do all things through Him _______________
who strengthens me
Philippians 4:13
This is the number of Apostles Jesus chose.
Matthew 10:2-4
The wife of Zechariah and mother of John the Baptist.
Luke 1:13
Where Jesus was born.
Bethlehem or Bethlehem of Judea
Matthew 2:1
"Go and wash in the Jordan River seven times, and your flesh will be restored to you and you shall be clean.”
Who Said these words?
2 Kings 5:1-19
There were Ten plagues upon Egypt, State the 5th one.
Livestock Pestilence or Animals Dying
Ruth said this to ________ "wherever you go I will go, and wherever you lodge, I will lodge; Your people shall be my people, and your God, my God.
Ruth 1:16
Behold, how good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in ____.
Psalm 133:1
How many concubines did Solomon have.
The wife of Moses
Jesus prayed in this garden right before his death.
the garden of Gethsemane
Matthew 26:36
Mark 14:32
He thought he was lying to Peter, but was lying to the Holy Ghost about the amount of money he and his wife made from the sale of their property.
Acts 5:3
Jesus sent Peter to get tax money from here.
The mouth of a fish
Matthew 17:25-27
The mother of all living
Who is Eve?
Genesis 3:20
Peter said the Day of The Lord will come like a ___ __ __ _______ (4 words)
a thief in the night.
How many men did Gideon gather at first before it was reduced to 300?
32,000 Israelites
I am the mother of Ishmael and handmaiden of Sarah. Who am I?
The mountain where Noah's Ark rested
Mount Aararat
Genesis 8:4
He made an axe head swim.
2 Kings 6:1-6
"If you are God's Son, order this stone to turn into _____."
Luke 4:3
Who was told to marry a prostitute?
Hosea 1
A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for a time of ____.
Proverbs 17:17
The book of Isaiah has how many chapters?
She was married to Uriah the Hittite. David sinned with her.
2 Samuel 11:3
Mountain where Jesus ascended into heaven.
Mount of Olives, or Olivet
Acts 1:9-12
Now there was a Pharisee, a man named _________ who was a member of the Jewish ruling council. He came to Jesus at night and said, “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who has come from God.
God gave this sign to remind of His promise never to destroy the earth by water/flood again.
a rainbow
Genesis 9:13-16
I am the man who part the Red Sea, who is my mother?