Secrets of the KOH

What language did God speak since the time of creation?

Parable, prophetic language


What two verses explain what a seed is?

Lk 8:11, 1 Pt 1:23


What does a path-like field lack?

The seed, which is the Word of God


At the FC, what field did Jesus harvest from? Provide a verse.

The lost sheep of Israel (the field of Judaism); Mt 10:5-6, Mt 13:38


What is the consequence of eating the fruit of the TOL and the fruit of the TKGE, respectively?

Eternal life vs. sure death


Can one enter Heaven if one does not understand the true meaning of parables? Provide a verse.

No, they are like outsiders in God and Jesus' eyes, meaning they do not belong to the kingdom of Heaven (Mt 13:11)


At the FC, who did God use to sow His seed? How about the devil?

God: Jesus
Devil: PhTOL


Why is the thorny field considered a cursed field?

The word gets choked up by the thorns (life's worries, pleasure, and riches). Hence, this type of field does not grow or mature and end up being burnt. (Mt 13:22, Mk 4:18-19, Heb 6:8)


According to Is 5:2-4, God says He only planted the choicest vines. Why then did it only yield bad crops?

People were path-like at the time, so God’s seed was taken away. It got planted in by the bad seed, which are the words of lies (such as false/incomplete teachings and man-made traditions)


What are the two definitions of a tree?

Inner person born again of the seed of the Word, organization/ministry


Out of all the parables in the Bible, what is the first parable a believer must learn according to Jesus? Why?

The seed. It's because, if one does not know the true meaning of the seed, he or she will not be able to understand the true meaning of the other parables. The seed is the basics of all parables.


Explain the two types of seed.

The two types of seed are the seed of God and the seed of the devil. The seed of God belongs to God representing the Word of God (truth). The seed of the devil belongs to the devil representing the word of the devil (lies).


Describe the process and the consequence mentioned in Lk 8:15.

Good and noble field/heart: Hears the Word, retains it, and by perseverance, produces a crop. Consequence: To bear much fruit and enters into the KOH.


How can one be harvested?

Must have the seed of God and go to the barn of heaven. Must know where exactly the barn of heaven is.


What are the three definitions of a fruit?

Words (fruit of the lips), actions (fruit of one's way/deeds), and a believer (born of God's seed)


What is the outcome if one does not have the proper knowledge of God and the Scriptures? Provide a verse.

Destruction, Hos 4:6


Provide an example in the Bible who first had God's seed but lost it. What was the result? What verse mentions this result?

Examples: Adam, Judas
Result: Destruction (Hos 4:6)


What is the purpose of learning the four types of field?

To understand what each field represents so that we do not become the reality of the path-like, rocky, and thorny field. But, we must make every effort to become a good and noble field.


What does the barn that one must go to represent at the time of the SC?



Illustrate the KOH found in Mt 13:31-32. Label each part in your drawing and provide their spiritual meanings.

Seed = Word of God, Field = Organization, Tree = Pastor with the Word, Branches = Disciples, Leaves = Evangelists, Bird = Spirit of God


How can you tell if one has the seed of God and not the seed of the devil?

Their words and actions are very different from each other. One who belongs to God and contains His seed will know God and His teaching, obey, and do what is right in God's eyes.


How can you tell if one has the seed of God and not the seed of the devil?

Their words and actions are very different from each other. One who belongs to God and contains His seed will know God and His teaching, obey, and do what is right in God's eyes.


Which field represents a non-believer's heart?

None; Path-like, rocky, and thorny fields all represent a false believer's heart. Only the good and noble field represents a true believer's heart.


What is the result of not learning about the harvest?

The church that did not teach about the harvest did not equip believers for heaven. The believers who don’t know or deny the harvest will be bundled and burned (judged).


How can one distinguish between a good tree and a bad tree?

Not by outer appearance and popularity, but by the fruit that contains the seed.