Bible Verses
People Of The Bible
Kingdom Blessings

This Prophecy was interpreted by Daniel and made King ___________ very upset.

Who is Nebuchadnezzar?


Aaron made this for the people of Israel to worship. (Exodus 32:4)

What Is a Golden Calf?


On the day I called, you answered me; You made me ____ and ____          (Psalm 138:3)

What Is Bold and Strong?


Jehovah commanded him to write down the words of the covenant, the ten commandments on tablets.

Who Is Moses?


John 3:16

What Is the Blessing of Everlasting life?


When referring to prophecies about Jesus, these are also called. . .

Messianic Prophecies


Victory over what two animals was a young shepherd boy named David given

Lion and bear


Hebrews 10:39- "Now we are not the sort who _____ ____ to destruction, but the sort who have faith for the preserving of our lives."

Shrink back


"The very hand of Jehovah was upon him," and he ran faster than a horse-drawn chariot all the way to Jezreel.



According to Isaiah 33:24, what will no resident say?

"I am sick"


In Chapter 13 of this book of the bible the two horned beast ( anglo american world power) makes fire come down out of heaven. The fire coming down out of heaven is the two atomic bombs that played a decisive role in ending the woar in the pacific.

What is The book of Revelation


What is a span and how long is it?

A linear measure approx. equal to the distance between the end of the thumb and the end of the little finger when the hand is spread out. Based on the cubit of 44.5cm (17.5 in.), a span would be 22.2cm (8.75 in.) in length


For God did not give us a spirit of cowardice, but one of power and of ____ and of soundness of mind.

What Is Love?


A young widow who gleaned the barley fields and whose mother-in-law was named Naomi



"For look! I am creating a new heavens and a new earth;"(Is.65:17) What does that new heavens refer to?

God's Kingdom Government ruled by Christ Jesus


In Both Isaiah and Micah what is said to become firmly established and to it people will stream?

What is the mountain of the house of Jehovah


This man, who fell asleep while the Apostle Paul was talking, fell from a third-story window and died but was miraculously brought back to life.

Who is Eu`tychus? (Acts 20:9-12)


Fill in the blank (The scripture is found in Ezekiel): "They will destroy the walls of _____ and tear down her towers, and I will scrape away soil and make her a shining, bare rock."

"They will destroy the walls of TYRE..." (Ezekiel 26:4)


According to Genesis  This man was circumcised at the age of 99

Who is Abraham


The kingdom Blessing says " they will build houses and live in them and they will plant vineyards and eat their fruitage. The writer wrote this in Jerusalem in  B.C.E, who was the writer?

Who is Isaiah. 

Which book of the Bible prophesied that Jesus would be betrayed for 30 pieces of silver and how did it come true?

Zechariah 11:12-13 foretells that Jesus Christ would be betrayed for "30 pieces of silver," which was then fulfilled in Matthew 26:14-16 when Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus for the same amount.


This king becomes Haughty, breaks gods law and becomes enraged when counseled. He gets stricken with leprosy by god. 

Who is King Uzziah


What book of the Bible tells us to throw all of your anxiety on him because he cares for you?

What is the book of Peter


This person was said to have lived 777 years.

Who is La`mech? (Noah's father)


________ involves a change in one's mind, attitude, or purpose, a rejection of one's former ways as unsatisfactory.

What is Repentance? (God promises to forgive repentant sinners)