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Books Of The Bible

This woman was the wife of Abraham and the mother of Isaac.

Who is Sarah?


This man was the first king of Israel, anointed by Samuel.

Who is Saul?


This event marked the beginning of the world according to the Genesis account.

What is Creation?


This was the place where Moses received the Ten Commandments.

What is Mount Sinai?


This book is named after a prophet who did not have a single vision but rather delivered a series of oracles and prophecies against various nations.

What is Zechariah?


She was known for her bravery and became the queen of Persia, saving her people from destruction.

Who is Esther?


He is known for his strength and for defeating the Philistine giant Goliath.

Who is David?


Much like what South Carolina experienced in 2015, this event covered the earth and Noah’s ark.

What is the Flood?


This city was known for its walls that fell after the Israelites marched around them.

What is Jericho?


This book is considered part of the Wisdom Literature, addressing themes of divine justice and human suffering, and is attributed to a figure traditionally associated with the “Suffering Servant.”

What is Lamentations?


This woman was a prophetess and the sister of Moses and Aaron.

Who is Miriam?


He was a prophet who confronted King Ahab and his wife Jezebel, and who challenged the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel.

Who is Elijah?


This event involved the Israelites' escape from slavery in Egypt, led by Moses.

What is the Exodus?


This is the place where Jesus was crucified, also known as Golgotha.

What is Calvary?


This book is notable for its unique style of writing and is categorized among the Minor Prophets, consisting of a dialogue between the prophet and God regarding divine judgment and restoration.

What is Habakkuk?


She was a Moabite woman who chose to stay with her mother-in-law Naomi and later became the great-grandmother of King David.

Who is Ruth?


He was known for his wisdom and built the Temple in Jerusalem.

Who is Solomon?


This was the event in which fire descended from heaven and consumed Elijah's offering on Mount Carmel.

What is Elijah's contest with the prophets of Baal?


This place is known as the birthplace of Jesus.

What is Bethlehem?


This book, one of the Twelve Minor Prophets, is distinguished by its apocalyptic visions and predictions about the “Day of the Lord.”

What is Amos?


This woman judged Israel and led them to victory over the Canaanites alongside Barak.

Who is Deborah?


This man was swallowed by a great fish after attempting to flee from God's command to go to Nineveh.

Who is Jonah?


This event occurred when Jesus was crucified and resurrected on the third day.

What is the Crucifixion and Resurrection?


This city was the capital of the United Kingdom of Israel under King David.

What is Jerusalem?


This book, which is part of the Old Testament’s historical books, covers the history from the conquest of Canaan to the end of the kingdom period, focusing on the rise and fall of the Israelite monarchy.

What is 1 Chronicles?


Known for her hospitality, this woman provided a meal for the prophet Elisha and was later blessed with a son.

Who is the Shunammite woman?


He was a tax collector who climbed a sycamore tree to see Jesus as He passed through Jericho.

Who is Zacchaeus?


This event involved the giving of the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai.

What is the Giving of the Law?


This is the name of the garden where Adam and Eve lived.

What is the Garden of Eden?


This book is known for its deep theological reflection on the nature of God's covenant and includes a narrative that bridges the transition from the period of the judges to the establishment of the monarchy.

What is the Book of Ruth?


She was a widow who gave all she had to the temple treasury, despite her poverty.

Who is the Widow at the Temple?


This man was a faithful friend to Paul and became a leader in the early Christian church.

Who is Timothy?


This event took place when the Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles in an upper room.

What is Pentecost?


This is the mountain where Noah’s ark came to rest after the flood.

What is Mount Ararat?


This book is considered one of the "Captivity Epistles" written by Paul, and it contains a profound meditation on the nature of Christ’s supremacy and the church’s unity.

What is Colossians?


This woman was accused of adultery and brought before Jesus, who famously said, "Let him who is without sin cast the first stone."

Who is the woman caught in adultery?


He was a Roman centurion whose servant was healed by Jesus, demonstrating great faith.

Who is the Centurion?


This event refers to the battle where Joshua commanded the sun to stand still to give the Israelites more time to defeat their enemies.

What is the Battle of Gibeon?


This river was parted by God to allow the Israelites to cross into the Promised Land.

What is the Jordan River?


This book is noted for its vivid imagery and complex symbolism related to the end times, and it includes the letters to the seven churches in Asia Minor.

What is Revelation?


She was the wife of King Ahab and known for her idolatry and opposition to the prophet Elijah.

Who is Jezebel?


This man, originally named Saul, was converted on the road to Damascus and became one of the most influential apostles.

Who is Paul?


This was the event where the walls of Jericho fell after the Israelites marched around them for seven days.

What is the Fall of Jericho?


This was the name of the prison where Joseph was held before his rise to power in Egypt.

What is the Pharaoh’s prison?


This book, often classified among the Minor Prophets, contains a unique vision of a cosmic battle and a portrayal of God's final judgment on the nations.

What is Zephaniah?


This woman was a powerful figure in the early church and is considered a notable early Christian leader.

Who is Phoebe?


He was the father of John the Baptist and a priest who was struck mute for doubting the angel's message.

Who is Zechariah?


This event describes the vision of the new heaven and new earth given to John in the Book of Revelation.

What is the Revelation of the New Jerusalem?


This is the name of the tabernacle's sacred container that held the tablets of the Ten Commandments.

What is the Ark of the Covenant?


This book is a sequel to an earlier book and covers the historical events from the reign of Solomon to the fall of Jerusalem.

What is 2 Kings?