I Will Always Love You
The First Noel
Let's Talk About Sin
Say My Name, Say My Name

The infamous son of Adam who murdered his brother

Who is Cain (Read Genesis 4:8)


God sent His one and only son to die on the cross so that whoever believes in Him can not perish but have eternal life because of His ____ for the World.

What is Love (Read John 3:16)


This is the day we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ

What is Christmas


This is the wages for sin

What is death (Read Romans 6:23)

He came as God in the flesh (but still God) to take on our sins and free us from the penalties and wages of sin

Who is Jesus


When Joseph's brothers said to each other, "Come now, let's kill him...," Which brother heard this and tried to rescue Joseph from their hands?

Who is Reuben (Read Genesis 37:19-22)


He is Love

Who is Jesus (1 John 4:8)


This is the birthplace of Jesus Christ.

What is Bethlehem (Read Luke 2: 4-7)


This man's wife's disobedience left her salty

Who is Lot (Read Genesis 19:17,26)


This disobedient prophet spent three days in the belly of a whale

Who is Jonah


This disciple betrayed Jesus by turning Him in to be crucified for 30 pieces of silver

Who is Judas (Read Matthew 26:14-16)


This is the greatest of faith, hope, and love

What is love (Read 1 Corinthians 13:13)


Because no rooms were available, when Jesus was born, he was placed in this

What is a manger (Read Luke 2:4-7)


After spying her bathing, King David had her husband killed.

Who is Bathsheba (Read 2 Samuel 11)


He was a young man without any physical defect, handsome, showing aptitude for every kind of learning, well informed, quick to understand, brought to serve in the king's palace, and renamed "Belteshazzar" by the chief official.

Who is Daniel (Read Daniel 1)


Jacob manipulated his blind father to take his brother's blessing with the help from this woman

Who is Rebekah (Read Genesis 27:1-24)


This scripture in the new testament is known as "The Love Chapter"

What is 1st Corinthians 13


In the sixth moth of Elizabeth's pregnancy, God sent this angel to Mary to tell her that she will give birth to a son and that she is to call Him Jesus.

Who is Gabriel (Read Luke 1: 26-31)


According to the Bible, these two cities were destroyed because their sin was "so grievous"

What is Sodom and Gomora? (Read Genesis 18:20)


Also called Nathaniel, this man was a disciple of Jesus

Who is Bartholomew?


After treating David like family, this man set out to kill David (his son's friend) multiple times because he was jealous of him.

Who is Saul


This is the amount of time that the LORD's love will endure

What is forever


Eight days after His birth, Jesus was _____

What is circumcised (Read Luke 2:21)


Before being "considered righteous for what she did when she gave lodging to the spies and sent them in a different direction," this was Rahab's Job

What is a prostitute (Read James 2:25)


This brave woman killed Sisera in his sleep in the book of Judges

Who is Jael (Read Judges 4)