There are this many commandments given to Moses.
What is ten?
"Am I my brother's keeper?"
Who is Cain? (Genesis 4:9)
Obedience is defined as submitting to this and following His commands.
God's authority
In John 14:26, Jesus says that this helper will be sent by the Father to teach us and remind us of His words.
The Holy Spirit
Adam and Eve
Jesus had this many disciples.
What is twelve?
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want."
Who is David? (Psalm 23:1)
This prophet initially disobeyed God's call but later repented in sackcloth.
According to Mark 4:9, Jesus said, "Whoever has ____ to hear, let them hear."
This many people were saved on Noahβs Ark.
What is eight?
Let there be light."
Who is God? (Genesis 1:3)
Disobedience can sometimes feel like this, even though it is meant for our protection.
In Job 33:14-15, God is said to communicate through these at night.
Lots wife
Jesus fasted for this many days in the wilderness.
What is forty?
"Whoever is without sin, let him cast the first stone."
Who is Jesus? (John 8:7)
This spiritual practice allows us to align our will with God's and listen for His guidance.
This is the biggest barrier to hearing God's voice clearly.
This is the number of books in the Bible.
What is sixty-six?
If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread."
Who is Satan? (Matthew 4:3)
What did the tree symbolize in the book of Jonah?
Jonahβs unwillingness to help others And selfishness.
Name 3 ways you can hear Gods voice?