He is a tax collector
Who is Matthew
(Matthew 9:9)
Was born in this city
What is Bethlehem (of Judea)
Matthew 2:1
This man was tasked with building the first temple
Who is Solomon
(2 Chronicles 3:1-2, 1 Kings 6:1)
What is the Sabbath
(Exodus 20:8)
God rested on this day
What is the seventh day
(Genesis 2:2)
Both sons of Zebedee
Who are James and John
(Matthew 4:21)
First miracle was performed here
What is Cana
(John 2:1-12)
God showed this prophet the moment He left the temple
Who is Ezekiel
(Ezekiel 10:18-22)
God says "eye for eye" "tooth for tooth" and at least 1 other statement right before
What is "life for life"/"hand for hand"/"foot for foot"/"burn for burn"/"wound for wound"/"bruise for bruise"
Exodus 21:23-25
The state of earth 'in the beginning'
(Genesis 1:2)
These three saw Jesus transfigured
Who are Peter, James, and John
(Matthew 17:1-3)
Jesus was here before He was betrayed
What is the Garden of Gethsemane
(Mark 14:32,43)
The two main temple pillars were named by Solomon
What is Boaz and Jachin
(1 Kings 7:21)
A loan to a fellow countrymen needed this specific condition
What is no interest
(Exodus 22:25)
What is heaven
(Genesis 1:8)
His hands would be stretched out and he would die glorifying God
(John 21:18-19)
Three things Jesus was tempted with by Satan
What is...
Food (stones to bread)
Holy protection (testing God)
Anything physical/Riches (all the kingdoms and their glory to bow to Satan)
Matthew 4:1-11
This man was killed in the temple
Zechariah, the son of Jehoiada
(2 Chronicles 24:20-22)
Leprosy affected more than people. It also affected this strange thing
What is a leprous house
(Leviticus 14:33-57)
Eden's river split into this many rivers
What is 4 rivers
(Genesis 2:10)
We know only this Apostle's name and title
Who is Simon the Zealot/Caananite
(Matthew 10:4, Mark 3:18, Luke 6:15, Acts 1:13)
Some suppose he is Simon the brother of Jesus (Mark 6:3)
Jesus was on the cross for this amount of time
What is 6 hours - From the 3rd hour to the 9th hour
(Mark 15:25, 33-34)
This holding place for the ark of the covenant preceded the temple built by Solomon
(2 Samuel 6:17, 7:2)
Your clothes needed to be made this very specific way
What is without having two kinds of material mixed together
(Leviticus 19:19b)
God made these in the water on day 5 alongside 'every living creature that moves in the water'
What is great sea monsters
(Genesis 1:21)