In what forms was the Holy Spirit revealed?
Dove and tongues of fire
What is the order in which God created things?
I am a Prophet who is famous for prophesying the birth of the Messiah from a virgin. Who am I?
Prophet Isaiah
Which Gospel starts by declaring that Jesus is God and his pre-existence before creation?
The Gospel of John
What was Paul's original name?
Name the fruits of the Spirit (at least 5 of 9)
love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control
Did Moses enter the promised Land?
Which Prophet turned away and escaped from the Lord’s call to preach repentance to the city of Nineveh?
Prophet Jonah
Which two of the four Gospel writers are the disciples of Jesus?
Saints Matthew and John
Who is the first Christian Martyr?
Saint Stephan
He is the one who wrote about the fruits of the spirit in his letters.
What are the 10 commandments and who were they given to?
- أنا ربك والهك، لا يكن لك ألهة غيري
-لا تنسى يوم الرب
-لا تحلف بسم الله بالباطل
- أكرم أباك وأمك
- لا تسرق، لا تزن، لا تقتل، لا تشهد بالزور
-لا تحسد
How did God give Jonah a chance to repent and follow the Lord’s will to turn the people of Nineveh away from their wicked ways?
Jonah spent three days and three nights in the belly of a big fish praying to God for deliverance
Who of the 4 was known for being a physician, historian, and a companion of Saint Paul?
Saint Luke
Who baptized an ethiopian eunuch?
The apostle Philip. An angel led him to the chariot the eunuch was travelling in.
What are the 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit?
wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord.
Noah's arc: How did Noah know that the water had subsided?
He then sent a dove, which returned with nothing the first time. On the dove's second departure, it returned with an olive leaf, indicating that water levels had decreased and vegetation was accessible. On its third flight, the dove did not return, signaling to Noah that the land was dry enough for disembarking from the ark.
Who hid the Israelite spies in her home from the king of Jericho?
Which two Gospels include the Genealogy of Jesus Christ?
The Gospels of Matthew and Luke
What is the first event in Acts?
Jesus taken up to Heaven
What is Fear of God
This fear is not about being scared of God, but rather recognizing His might and aligning one’s life with His will. It involves understanding the greatness of God and His moral standards, and responding by honoring Him in one’s actions, thoughts, and decisions. This type of fear encourages obedience, humility, and a desire to live in accordance with God's commands.
What are the 10 plagues in exodus?
Who is the person that God allowed satan to test through extremely hard trials to see if he would stay loyal to the Lord?
Which Gospel has a detailed description of the birth narrative, from the announcement to Mary, the birth in Bethlehem, to the visit of the shepherds and the three kings?
The Gospel of Luke
Where and how did Paul die?
He was martyred in Rome and he was beheaded.