Where was Jesus' first miracle preformed?
Wedding in Cana.
What queen of Persia was replaced by Esther?
In what Greek city were followers of Christ first called "Christians"?
Moses had two wives.
The Midianite and the Cushite.
"Jesus ____"
John 11:35
What sea did Jesus calm in Mark 4 with just the words, "peace be still"?
Sea of Galilee.
Who was the man that was asked to curse Israel?
Balaam - Numbers 22:30
What were the two bodies of water that God parted for the Israelite children to cross?
the Red Sea and the River Jordan.
The Holy Spirit looked like a dove when the disciples received Him.
Tongues of fire above the heads.
Matt 4:4
"Man shall not live by _____ alone, but on every _____ that comes from the mouth of God""Bread" "Word"
In whose new tomb was Jesus buried?
Joseph of Arimathaea.
What was the name of the first gentile that was baptized?
Cornelius - Acts 10
Where did Moses flee to after killing the Egyptian?
Midian - Exodus 2:15
David chose 3 smooth stones from the brook for the battle against Goliath.
He chose 5 smooth stones.
Ephesians 2:8-10
"For by ____ you have been saved through _____, and this is not your own doing; it is the ____ of God"
"grace" "faith" "gift"
Which disciple replaced Judas Iscariot after his betrayal?
Who ate honey not knowing that his father had forbidden his soldiers to eat the rest of the day.
Johnathan - 1 Samuel 14:27
In the book of Revelation, the apostle John tells of the fate of 7 different churches. In what modern day country were these churches located?
Modern day Turkey.
Queen Esther prepared 18 months to be presented to the king.
12 months total.
6 months with oil of myrrh, 6 months with perfumes/ointments.
Philipians 4:6
"do not be _____ about anything, but in everything by _____ and supplication with thanksgiving, let your _____ be made known to ____"
"anxious/worried" "prayer" "requests" "God"
How many people did Jesus raise from the dead?
Who were they?
The widow's son. (Widow of nain)
Jairus' daughter.
Name the man whom God struck dead for touching the ark of the covenant.
Uzzah - 2 Samuel 6:6-7
How long did it take Nehemiah and the Jews to rebuild the wall around Jerusalem?
52 days.
The first apostle to be martyred was Stephen.
James the son of Zebedee.
John 3:16
"For God so loved the world, that He gave his only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life"