Who's Esther's cousin?
What does the name Moses mean?
Drawn out of the water.
Elijah was a....?
What disease did Naaman have?
What relationship did Ruth and Naomi have?
Naomi was her daughter-in-law.
Who was the queen before Esther, and why was she thrown from the throne?
Queen Vashti was the queen, she was thrown because King Xerxes ordered her to come to his banquet only wearing her crown, but she refused.
Why did the Israelites grumble to Moses when they came to Marah?
There was no water to drink.
Which animals brought Elijah food during the drought he prophesied?
Who told Naaman's wife that Naaman could be healed by a prophet in Israel?
A Hebrew servant girl.
Why did Elimelech go to live in Moab with his family?
Because of famine in his home town.
Who were Bigthan and Teresh, and what did they try and do?
Name 5 plagues.
Water turning into blood, frogs, lice, flies, livestock dying, boils, hail, locusts, darkness, death of the firstborn.
After Elijah mocked the prophets of Baal, what other ritual did the prophets try to gain Baal's attention?
Cut themselves with knives.
The king wanted Naaman to be healed very badly. He sent Naaman to Israel with gold, silver, clothing, and a very special letter. What did the king of Israel do when he read the letter?
He cried and ripped his clothes.
Why did the kinsman not want to marry Ruth?
Didn't want to spoil inheritance.
How did King Xerxes award Mordecai for saving him from the assassination attempt?
He allowed him to be exempt from the Jewish extermination order.
What was Miriam's punishment for speaking out against Moses?
After the prophets of Baal were killed, to where did Elijah run to escape the death threat from Jezebel?
Naaman went to Elisha's house. What did the prophet's servant tell Naaman to do at the Jordan river and he would be healed?
Wash yourself seven times.
Why did Boaz allow Ruth to glean in his field?
She had looked after Naomi.
What day was set for the extermination of the Jews?
Thirteenth day of Adar.
What did Moses name the place where he got water from the rock due to the people quarrelling with Moses and testing the Lord?
Massah & Meribah.
What message did Elijah give to Ahaziah concerning his future for inquiring of a false god?
He would never get out of bed alive.
Naaman went straight back to Elisha's house. What did Elisha do when he offered him gifts?
Elisha refused them.
What was taken off and handed over to signify the agreement between Boaz and the kinsman?
A sandal.