Dreams of a Ladder reaching heaven with angels ascending and descending
Who is Jacob
100% human and 100% God.
Who is Jesus
This was the first miracle of Jesus
What is turning water into wine
Dream warning them not to return to Herod
Who the Wise Men
In Philippians 2:10, says " that at the Name of Jesus every knee bow, __________________
What is "of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;"
This was the Last Miracle of Jesus
What is putting the cut ear back on the soldier
Number of chapters in Psalms
What is 150?
Dreams of sheaves bowing to his sheaf and the sun and moon and stars bowing to him
Who is Joseph
You must be baptized in what?
What is Jesus Name
A dead man came back to life after touching who's bones
Who is Elisha
Dreams of seven fat cows followed by seven lean cows, and seven full ears of grain followed by seven withered ears of grain
Who is Pharaoh
The evidence that you have the Holy Ghost is?
What is speaking in tongues
This book recorded a firey furnace and a lions den miracle
What Daniel
Only book with 3 books
What John
Dream of a large statue representing different empires
Who is Nebuchadnezzar
Who was the person to receive the Holy Ghost
Who is Bezalel (Ex. 31:1-5)
His Donkey spoke
Who is Balaam