In which book of the Old Testament can you find the Ten Commandments?
What is Exodus
Which apostle is known for denying Jesus three times before the rooster crowed?
Who is Peter
In the Gospel of John, Jesus performed a miracle where He raised a man from the dead. What was the name of the man?
Who is Lazarus
In the Gospel of Mark, Jesus tells His disciples that the greatest commandment is to love God with all your heart, soul, and mind. What is the second greatest commandment?
What is "Love your neighbor as yourself"
What is the capital city of China?
What is Beijing
Which king of Israel was known for his wisdom?
Who is Solomon
Who was the prophet who baptized Jesus in the Jordan River and preached repentance to prepare the way for the coming Messiah?
Who is John The Baptist
When Jesus was tempted in the wilderness, what did He use to resist the devil's temptations?
What is The Word of God
The fruits of the Spirit is found in what book?
What is Galatians
This Olympic swimmer from the U.S. has won 23 gold medals, making him the most decorated Olympian of all time.
Who is Michael Phelps
What was the name of the mountain where Moses received the Ten Commandments?
Who is Mount Sinai
Who was the Roman governor who sentenced Jesus to be crucified?
Who is Pontius Pilate
This king tried to kill Jesus after His birth by ordering the massacre of all male children under two.
Who is King Herod
In the Parable of the Prodigal Son, what did the younger son demand from his father before leaving?
What is his inheritance
What is Pastor Leo's ethnicity?
Who was the prophet that anointed David as king of Israel?
Who is Samuel
In the Gospel of Luke, who was the tax collector who climbed a tree to see Jesus, and Jesus then visited his house?
Who is Zacchaeus
What is turning water into wine
In the parable of the Good Samaritan, who were the first two people to pass by the injured man before the Samaritan stopped to help him?
Who are a priest and Levite
Who was named mvp of the recent superbowl?
Jalen Hurts
Which Old Testament prophet famously challenged the prophets of Baal to a contest on Mount Carmel, where God sent fire to consume his sacrifice?
Who is Elijah
Who was the first Christian martyr, stoned to death for his faith, as recorded in the Book of Acts?
Who is Stephen
Jesus called these two brothers to follow Him, saying “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.”
Who is Peter and Andrew
Fill in the blank:
"For the wages of sin is ____, but the gift of God is ____ ____ in Christ Jesus our Lord."
Romans 6:23 NIV
What is Death, Eternal and Life
This Italian dish, often served as a starter, consists of thinly sliced raw meat or fish.
What is carpaccio.