Jesus is this bread
What is the bread of life?
Song of Songs is also known by this title.
What is Song of Solomon?
Jael drove this into Sisera's head.
What is a tentpeg?
This was Adam's date.
Who is Eve?
What is a pillar of salt?
Jesus is saying he is this person when he says "I AM."
Who is God?
The fragrance of the woman's breath is like this fruit.
What are apples?
Ehud's knife got lost in the belly of a king because he had this health condition.
What is morbidly obese?
This man helped Mary give birth to Jesus
Who is Joseph?
This man's head was served on a silver platter.
Who is John the Baptist?
This I am statement tells us three things about Jesus.
What is I am the Way and the Truth and the Life?
The woman's hair is like a flock of this animal.
What are goats?
John the Baptist ate this for all his meals.
What is locusts and wild honey?
Abraham had a baby in old age with this fine lady.
Who is Sarah?
Herod was eaten by these snake like creatures.
What are worms?
God told this person in the Old Testament He was I Am before Jesus ever said it.
Who is Moses?
The woman wants to be a seal over which body parts of the man?
What are heart and arm?
Moses turned the water in Egypt into this bodily fluid.
What is blood?
This lady shaved her man's head and made him weak.
Who is Delilah?
Absalom died when his hair got caught in this.
What are tree branches?
Name three I Am statements.
What is I am the bread of life, I am the gate, I am the light of the world, I am the good shepherd, I am the resurrection and the life, I am the way and the truth and the life, I am the vine
The mountains are laden with this smelly or tasty thing.
What are spices?
This happened to a man thrown on Elisha's dead body.
What is coming back to life?
This couple lied and died together.
Who are Ananias and Sapphira?
This evil queen was devoured by dogs after being pushed out a window.
Who is Jezebel?