Who built the ark?
Who is Noah
Where did Adam and Eve live in the beginning?
Where is the Garden of Eden?
How many commandments did God give Moses?
What is 10?
This bird brought an olive branch to Noah’s Ark
What is a dove
The first commandment says “You shall have no other ____ before me”
What are gods?
Who gave birth to our lord and savior Jesus Christ
Who is Saint Mary
where was Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ born?
Where is Bethlehem?
Jesus fed 5,000 people with these two foods
What are loaves and fish?
Jesus rode into Jerusalem on one of these animals
What is a donkey?
Who do we have to honor according to the Ten Commandments?
Who are our father and mother?
Who discovered the burning bush?
Who is Moses
Where did Moses receive the Ten Commandments?
Where is Mount Sinai?
Who is Daniel?
Daniel was in a den with one of these animals
What is a lion
One of the commandments are “You shall not bear _____ witness”
What is false?
Who walked in water?
Who is the lord and savior Jesus Christ?
What is the name of the city the Israelites marched around until it fell down?
What is Jericho
What is the first book of the Bible called?
What is Genesis?
This animal tempted Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden
what is a serpent
The Ten Commandments were written on
What are two stone tablets?
Who was the first high priest of Israel?
Who is Aaron?
What is the Jordan River?
Jesus turned the water into this at a wedding
What is wine
This insect was part of one of the ten plagues in Egypt, covering the land and destroying crops
What is a locust?
Moses waited this many days and nights before receiving the Ten Commandments
What is 40