(Bible Verses)
O Ieova, o lo‘u ________ ________ o ia; e leai se mea ou te mativa ai.
Leoleo mamoe
Salamo 23:1
O lenei tupu poto, sa lauiloa i lana faamasinoga lelei ma le fausiaina o le Uluai Malumalu i Ierusalema.
This wise king, known for his judgment and the construction of the First Temple in Jerusalem.
O ai Solomona?
Who is Solomon?
Sa i ai Iesu i le tuugamau mo nei aso e tele a o le'i toetu.
Jesus was in the grave for this many days before His resurrection.
O le nofoaga sa nonofo muamua ai Atamu ma Eva a o leʻi tuliesea e le Atua
The first place where Adam and Eve lived before they were driven out by God
Kenese 2:15 // Genesis 2:15
"Ua ave foi le tagata, e Ieova le Atua, ma ua tuu ia te ia i le faatoaga i Etena e galue ai ma leoleo ai."
"The Lord took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it."
O le avā a Aperaamo
The wife of Abraham
Sara // Sarah
Le ulugalii muamua na faia e Le Atua i le lalolagi
The first couple on Earth that God created
Atamu ma Eva
Adam and Eve
Ua ________ Iesu.
Fuaiupu aupito pu'upu'u i le Tusi Paia
Ioane 11:35
Na faamanuia e lenei tamāloa Iesu a o pepe i le Malumalu
This man blessed baby Jesus in the Temple
O ai Simeona?
Who is Simeon?
Le aofaʻiga o tusi i le Tusi Paia
This is the number of books in the Bible.
O le a le 66?
O fea na fanau ai Iesu?
Where Jesus was born
Matthew 2:1
"Ua fanau Iesu i Peteleema i Iutaia"
"...Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea"
O le avā a Sakaria ma le tinā a Ioane le Papatiso
The wife of Zechariah and mother of John the Baptist
Luka 1:13 // Luke 1:13
Elisapeta // Elizabeth
O i la'ua o mātua faalelalolagi o Iesu
They were Jesus' parents down on Earth
Iosefa ma Maria
Joseph and Mary
Auā ua faapea lava ona alofa mai o le Atua i le lalolagi, ua ia au mai ai lona Atalii e toatasi, ina ia le fano se tasi e faatuatua ia te ia, a ia maua e ia le ola e ________.
Ioane 3:16
O a'u na papatisoina Iesu.
I baptized Jesus.
O ai Ioane le Papatiso?
Who is John the Baptist?
O le matua o Iesu a o ia aʻoaʻo toeaina i le malumalu, ma sa suʻe ai o ia e Maria ma Iosefa.
Jesus' age when he was teaching the elders in the temple, and Mary and Joseph were looking for him.
O le a le sefululua tausaga?
What is Twelve Years old?
O fea le mauga sa afio a'e ai Iesu i le lagi?
Mountain where Jesus ascended into heaven.
Acts 1:9-12
"Ona latou toe foi atu lea i Ierusalema nai le mauga e igoa ia Olive"
"Then the apostles returned to Jerusalem from the hill called the Mount of Olives"
O le avā a Uria le sa Hetī. Na ia agasala faatasi ma Tavita.
She was married to Uriah the Hittite. David sinned with her.
2 Samuelu 11:3
"Ona au atu lea e Tavita se tasi e fesili po o ai le fafine. Ua fai ane le tasi, E le o Patesepa ea lenei, le afafine o Eliamo, le avā a Uria le sa Hetī?"
"David sent someone to find out about her. The man said, “She is Bathsheba, the daughter of Eliam and the wife of Uriah the Hittite.”
O ni alii se toalua e vavalalata: o le tasi o se perenise, ao le isi o se leoleo mamoe
Two men who were close friends: one was a prince, the other was a shepherd
Tavita ma Ionatana
David and Jonathan
Ia e faatuatua ia _____ ma lou loto atoa; a e aua le faalagolago i lou lava atamai.
Fa'ataoto 3:5
Na iloa mai Iesu au a o ou tu i lalo o le mati.
Jesus saw me under the fig tree.
O ai Natanielu? // Who is Nathanael?
Ioane 1:47-48
Ua silafia Iesu o Natanielu o lo sau ia te ia, ona fetalai ane lea ia te ia, Faauta, o le Isaraelu moni, e leai sona pepelo. Ua fai mai Natanielu ia te ia, Na e silafia a‘u ifea? Ua tali atu Iesu, ua faapea atu ia te ia, Na ou iloa oe i lalo o le mati, a o lei valaau atu lava Filipo ia te oe.
When Jesus saw Nathanael approaching, he said of him, “Here truly is an Israelite in whom there is no deceit.” “How do you know me?” Nathanael asked. Jesus answered, “I saw you while you were still under the fig tree before Philip called you.”
O le tagata lea na ola i le 969 tausaga
I lived to be 969 years old.
O ai Metusela?
Who is Methuselah?
"O aso uma foi o Metusela e iva selau ma le onogafulu ma le iva, o ona tausaga ia; ona oti ai lea."
"and all the days of Methuselah were nine hundred sixty and nine years: and he died."
Kenese 5:27
Ina ua valaau atu Iesu ia Simona ma Aneterea e fai ma ona so'o, o fea le sunako o le aai na latou o atu i ai?
After Jesus called Simon and Andrew to follow him, which town's synagogue did they go into?
A)Kapanaumi // Capernaum
B)Nasareta // Nazareth
C)Kana // Cana
D)Kenesareta // Gennesaret
Mark 1:16-34
A)Kapanaumi // Capernaum
"Ua o foi i latou i Kapanaumi; ona maliu atu loa lea o ia i le sunako i le sapati, ua a‘oa‘o ai."
O le avā Aikupito a Iosefa
The Egyptian wife of Joseph
Kenese 41:50
"Ua faaigoa foi e Farao ia Iosefa o Sapenapaenea; ua avane foi ia te ia o Asenati e fai mana avā, o le afafine ia o Potifere le ositaulaga i Onu"
"Pharaoh gave Joseph the name Zaphenath-Paneah and gave him Asenath daughter of Potiphera, priest of On, to be his wife"
E toʻafia uso o Iesu, ma o ai i latou?
How many brothers did Jesus have, and who were they?
Mareko 6:3 // Mark 6:3
"E le o le tufuga ea lenei, le tama a Maria, o lona uso foi o Iakopo, ma Iose, ma Iuta, ma Simona?"
"Isn’t this the carpenter? Isn’t this Mary’s son and the brother of James, Joseph, Judas and Simon?"
Ia outou ________ i mea uma lava
1 Tesalonia 5:18
Fai mai Peteru o le a oo mai le Aso o le Alii e pei o le ___ __ __ _______ (4 upu)
Peter said the Day of The Lord will come like a ___ __ __ _______ (4 words)
gaoi i le po
thief in the night
Auā ua outou iloa lelei lava, o le aso o le Alii e pei o le gaoi i le po, e faapea ona oo mai ai; auā pe a latou fai ane.
For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.
Na feoa'i le nuu o Isaraelu i nei tausaga e tele i le vao
The people of Israel wandered for this many years in the wilderness
O le a le 40 tausaga?
Numera 14:34
'E faatatau i le faitau o po na outou asiasi ai le nuu, e fagafulu o po, o le po e tasi o le faatatau lea o le tausaga e tasi, e fagafulu o tausaga lava tou te tauave ai o outou agasala, ona outou iloa ai lea o lo‘u lafoaiina o outou.'
Na faatauina e le au ositaulaga sili lenei fanua i le tupe na toe faafoi mai e Iuta
The chief priests bought this with the money returned by Judas
Mataio 27 // Matthew 27
'Ua latou filifili, ona faatau a‘i lea o le fanua o le fai ipu omea, e tatanu ai tagata ese. O le mea lea ua igoa ai lea fanua, O le fanua o le toto, ua oo lava i nei ona po.'
So they decided to use the money to buy the potter’s field as a burial place for foreigners. That is why it has been called the Field of Blood to this day.
O ia o le afafine o Ietero, ma le avā a Mose.
She was daughter of Jethro, and wife of Moses.
Esoto 18:2
"Ona ave lea e Ietero le tamā o le avā a Mose, o Sepora le avā, a Mose"
"After Moses had sent away his wife Zipporah, his father-in-law Jethro received her"
E toʻafia uō a Iopu na ō mai e faamāfanafana ia te ia, ma o ai i latou?
How many friends came to comfort Job, and who were they?
Iopu 2:11 // Job 2:11
'Ua faalogo uo e toatolu a Iopu i nei mea leaga uma ua oo atu ia te ia, ona latou o mai ai lea e taitoatasi mai lona nuu, o Elifasa le Timanu, o Pilitati le Sua, ma Sofara le Naama'
'...Job’s three friends, Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite and Zophar the Naamathite'