The names of the first two people created.
Who is Adam and Eve?
In Leviticus, God commanded 'Thou shalt love thy neighbor as.......' this.
What is thy self?
Who was Moses is brother?
Who is the Pharaoh?
Jesus had _ of apostles
What is 12?
It took how many many days to create the universe
what is 7?
God loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, whoever believes in him shall not punish but have this
What is Eternal life?
God gave Moses 10 of these
What is the 10 commandments?
You do this before you eat
What is pray?
What is the name Noah's famous boat
What is an Ark?
The lord is my _ ? I shall not want
What is Shephard?
He was a carpenter and Earth father of Jesus
Who is Joseph?
A very famous prayer before you eat your meals
What is Grace?
How many days was Noah's ark on water
What is 40 days?
Give us this day our daily _
What is bread?
He is known for the saint of Christmas, also known as the father of Christmas
Who is St. Nick?
When you rise from the dead, its called _
What is Resurrection?
How many animals of each were on Noah's ark?
What is 2?
I can do everything through him who gives me _.
What is Strength?
Who is at the gates of Heaven?
Who is St Peter?
when a simple story is used to tell a spiritual lesson, its called a _
What is parable?