Well Versed! x1
Original Songs
Stories and Proverbs
The. Ten. Plagues
Dear God, Save Me!

Trust in Jehovah with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding.  

What is Proverbs 3:5?


This zany original song has the lyric, "You can take my hand, let's win the race."

What is Keep The Pace?


In the beginning, Jehovah created the universe in probably in two seconds, but took this many days (symbolically) to finish the earth.

What is six?

The first of the ten plagues caused the Nile river to be filled with this, causing a foul odor and the death of many fish casualties.

What is Blood?


During this event, Jehovah promises to destroy Satan's world and save all of the right hearted ones, after which they will live in paradise.

What is Armageddon?


If any one of you is lacking in wisdom, let him keep asking God, for he gives generously to all and without reproaching, and it will be given him.

What is James 1:5?


This song's beautiful samba-inspired composition has made it a favorite of handsome host Jude Horton. Share in the yield!

What is Sharing Joyfully In The Harvest?


King Ahab had a wicked wife named this, but she got her comeuppance when she was pushed out of the window she was sitting in by Jehu and his men and fell to her death.

Who is Jezebel?


For the last plague, Jehovah sent his angels to kill the first born of any household that didn't have the blood of these two animals on sprinkled on their doorpost. Sorry if you own a hut!

What is Sheep or Goat blood?


As punishment for praying to Jehovah instead of King Mede, Daniel was sent here. Jehovah saved his faithful follower, after which the king recognized Jehovah as the one true god.

What is the Lion Pit?


All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching.

What is 2 Timothy 3:16?


Finish this lyric: "Life, like a mist, appears for just a day, and __________"

What is "Disappears tomorrow"?


Jehovah caused a donkey to speak to this wise man in order to stop him from cursing the Israelites. Talking Donkey My A%$!!!

Who is Balaam?


The second plague involved these cold-blooded creatures emerging from the bloodied Nile and flooding the land, before dying and being thrown in piles.

What are Frogs?


Baby Moses was sent down the river and saved from death, partially thanks to this material, which made up the basket he was floating in.

What is Papyrus?


This means everlasting life, their coming to know you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ.

What is John 17:3?


Fill in the blank, from Walking in Integrity:       

"Examine me, and put me to the test; My mind and heart _____, that my soul might be blessed."

What is Refine?


In order to demonstrate to the wandering Israelites that Jehovah had picked Aaron to be priest, he caused this to grow out of his staff for all to witness.

What are Flowers/Almond Flowers?


These two holy men are responsible for starting many of the ten plagues at the request of Jehovah, although of course Jehovah's power is what truly made them happen.

Who are Moses and Aaron?


At 1 John 4:14, it says that Jehovah sent Jesus down to earth in order to be this.

What is the Savior of the world?


Who of you by being anxious can add one cubit to his life span?

What is Matthew 6:27?


This song was released before and later sung during the 2024 convention, and can be recognized by how difficult it is to sing.

What is Good News?


After this person tried to make his subjects build a mighty city and tower to inhabit, Jehovah caused all of the workers to speak different languages. The city became known as Babylon, from the word meaning confusion. 

Who is Nimrod?


The ninth plagues involved darkness overtaking all of Egypt for this amount of time. The deaf were in for a rough time!

What is three days?

After Moses and the Israelites were saved and had crossed the Red sea successfully, Pharaohs men had been swept away by the ocean, so all of the Israelites, tambourines in hand, began to sing this victory song: "Jehovah has won a glorious victory. ___________"

What is "He has thrown the horses and their riders into the sea."?