What is the name of the first book of the Bible, which tells the story of creation and the early history of mankind?
Which man did God instruct to build an enormous ark to save his family and pairs of every animal species from a global flood?
At the wedding in Cana, what did Jesus miraculously turn water into, marking his first recorded miracle in the New Testament?
How many commandments did God give to Moses on Mount Sinai, which serve as a moral guide for His people?
In the book of Galatians, how many characteristics are listed as the fruits of the Spirit, which are produced by the Holy Spirit in a believer’s life?
Can you name how many total books are in the Bible, combining both the Old Testament and the New Testament?
Who was the leader that God chose to confront Pharaoh and lead the Israelites out of Egypt, famously parting the Red Sea in the process?
In the miracle of the feeding of the five thousand, how many people did Jesus feed with only five loaves of bread and two fish?
What is the first of the Ten Commandments that tells the Israelites who they should worship and warns against worshipping other gods?
You shall have no other gods before me
What is the first of the fruits of the Spirit mentioned in Galatians 5:22, and is often seen as foundational to all the others?
What is the final book of the New Testament that contains visions of the end times and is often referred to as apocalyptic literature?
Which prophet tried to run from God’s command, was swallowed by a large fish, and spent three days inside it before being released?
When Jesus healed a blind man in John 9, what unusual material did he use to cover the man’s eyes before telling him to wash in the pool of Siloam?
Mud and spit
Which commandment out of the Ten specifically tells us that stealing—taking something that doesn’t belong to you—is wrong?
Which fruit of the Spirit describes the ability to remain patient and composed, even in the face of difficulty or waiting on God’s timing?
Which book of the Bible is the longest in terms of chapters and contains many songs, prayers, and praises to God?
Which king of Israel is known for writing many of the Psalms and was described as a man after God’s own heart?
Who was the man that Jesus raised from the dead after he had been in the tomb for four days, demonstrating Jesus’ power over life and death?
Which commandment instructs people to show respect and honor toward their parents, with a promise of long life attached to it?
Which fruit of the Spirit represents treating others with kindness and sensitivity, avoiding harsh or rude behavior?
After the four Gospels, which book of the New Testament continues the story of the early church and the apostles’ ministry?
After Moses’ death, which leader took over and led the Israelites across the Jordan River into the Promised Land?
On which body of water did Jesus perform the miracle of walking on water, as his disciples looked on in amazement?
Sea of Galilee
What is the commandment that warns us against coveting our neighbor’s belongings, encouraging contentment with what we have?
Which fruit of the Spirit reflects a believer’s trust and reliance on God’s plan and His promises, showing loyalty and devotion?