God sent this animal to save his prophet who ran away Nineveh.
What is a Fish?
This Bible hero had a lot of trouble with his hair.
Who was Samson?
This prophet told Pharaoh to let his people go or else there would be plagues.
Who is Moses?
What is Psalms?
If you don’t like to get moving in the morning, you are acting like this slimy creature.
What is Sluggish?
This is the animal Jesus rode into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday.
What is a Donkey?
This Bible hero prayed faithfully and ended up in a lion’s den.
Who was Daniel?
This prophet predicted that the thief on the cross would see him in paradise.
Who is Jesus?
The only book in the Bible with a first, second and third part.
What is John?
These animals are known to be very slow, and this name is also one of the seven deadly sins.
What is a Sloth?
Jesus is compared to this animal of the tribe of Judah.
What is a Lion?
This Bible hero played music for his sheep and King Saul.
Who was David?
God promised this prophetess she would live to see baby Jesus.
Who is Anna?
The last book in the Old Testament.
What is Malachi?
This animal is so proud, they refer to a pack of them as a pride.
What is a Lion?
A woman said to Jesus even this animal gets to eat the crumbs from the table.
What is a dog?
This Bible hero ground up a golden calf and made people drink it!
Who was Moses?
The Prophet Elisha sprinkled this substance into poisoned gourd stew and made it good.
What is flour?
The book in the Old Testament all about Israelite Priests and their duties.
What is Leviticus?
When the prodigal son ran away from home, eventually his dirty room was literally one of these.
What is a pig sty?
This was the first bird Noah sent out to see if there was dry land.
What is a Raven?
This Bible hero warned the king of an assassination attempt.
Who was Mordecai?
This prophet predicted Jesus’ coming 400 years before He was born.
Who is Isaiah?
The only two books in the Bible named after women.
What are Esther and Ruth?
The commandment that says Thou Shalt Not Lie really says this.
What is BEAR false witness?