In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
Genesis 1:1
He approved of the murder of Stephen and, because of misdirected zeal for tradition, began a campaign of vicious persecution against Christ’s followers.
Saul or Paul
She is the wife of Isaac.
When he was 99 years old, Jehovah promised to him that he will become father to many nations of people. Who is he?
The exact birthplace of Jesus.
Bethlehem Ephratha
You must pray, then, this way: ‘Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified.'
Matthew 6:9
Jesus Christ called him from the tax office in or near Capernaum. ‘Leaving everything behind, he rose up and went following Jesus.’ Perhaps to celebrate the receiving of his call to follow Christ, he“spread a big reception feast,” attended by Jesus and his disciples as well as many tax collectors and sinners. Who is he?
King Saul’s younger daughter who became the wife of David.
The grandson of Abraham’s brother Nahor. He was the son of Bethuel and the brother of Rebekah and he was the father of Leah and Rachel.
One of the first cities to be built after the Flood. Here God “confused the language of all the earth.”
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was a god
John 1:1
A physician and faithful companion of the apostle Paul.
She continued to pester Samson and “pressured him with her words all the time and kept urging him, [so that] his soul got to be impatient to the point of dying.” Then he told her of his Naziriteship and that no razor had ever touched his head. Who is she?
He was a thief in Israel. He took a beautiful robe, a gold bar and some silver from the city of Jericho. When he was found guilty, he and his family was stoned to death and burned with fire.
This is where Rahab hid the spies.
I and the Father are one.
John 10:30
He was chosen to replace Judas who betrayed Jesus.
These two Israelite midwives did not follow the kings order to kill every male children alive. They took refuge in Jehovah.
Shiphrah and Puah
He is the father of Noah.
The book of Revelation records a vision of “the kings of the entire inhabited earth” being gathered together “to the war of the great day of God the Almighty” or Armageddon. Because of the similarity in names, some have concluded that this war will take place at the literal site of this mountain. What is this mountain?
Of course, every house is constructed by someone, but the one who constructed all things is God.
Hebrews 3:4
Presumably the name of Bartholomew, meaning "Son of Tolmai," one of Jesus’ 12 apostles.
She was Rebekah’s nurse. When Rebekah left the household of her father Bethuel to move to Palestine and marry Isaac, she accompanied her. Who is this nurse?
He was the king of Moab who sent Balaam to curse the Israelites. He promised Balaam lots of money so Balaam gets on his donkey to curse the Israelites. Who is this king?
This where the Israelites camped and it is where the 12 spies were sent to spy out the land of Canaan after 40 years . Miriam died here.