How many men did Jesus heal of leprosy?
10 men
What is the meaning of the word WIDOW?
A lady whose husband has died
Name 2 things that Jesus used to heal the blind man.
When Jesus heard that Lazarus was sick, how many days did He stay there before going to Lazarus' home?
2 days
How old was Jairus' little daughter?
A. 5 B. 11 C. 12 D. 7
C. 12 years old
How many men returned to give Jesus thanks after He healed them of leprosy? (Luke 17)
ONE (1)
Jesus saw the widow crying among the large crowd. Why was she crying?
Because her only son had died
Where did Jesus send the blind man to wash his eyes?
The Pool (of Siloam)
What was Jesus' relationship with Lazarus and his sisters?
They were good friends of Jesus. He loved them.
What did Jairus tell Jesus about his little daughter?
She was very ill and dying
When the men with leprosy met Jesus, what did they say to Him?
Jesus, Master, have pity on us
From which town was the widow who Jesus felt compassion for?
The town of NAIN
Complete this verse: Jesus said "I am the ____ of the world"
I am the LIGHT of the world.
What were the names of Lazarus' two sisters?
Mary and Martha
Jesus saw the people crying and told them that the child was asleep. How did the people react?
They laughed at Jesus
Give any 1 of the 3 questions Jesus asked after the man returned and threw himself at Jesus' feet and thanked Him.
1. Were not all ten cleansed?
2. Where are the other nine?
3. Has no one returned to give praise except this foreigner?
What miracle did Jesus perform for the widow who was crying?
Jesus raised her dead son to life
How did the people and neighbours react after Jesus healed the blind man?
They did not believe that he was the same man or that he was really blind.
DOUBLE JEOPARDY! Complete this verse: Jesus said, "I am the R___ and the L___"
I am the RESURRECTION and the LIFE
What troubling news did some men bring from the house of Jairus?
That his daughter was dead