He was skilled at playing the harp.
Who is David?
1Sam 16:18,23
Where is Adam and Eve's Home?
What is the Garden of Eden?
Gen 2:8
What type of animal said, "You will not die!"
What is a serpent (snake)?
Gen 3:4
When born he was red all over.
Who is Esau?
Gen 25:25
Jehovah built her from a rib.
Who is Eve?
Gen 2:22
He ran away from before Jehovah.
Who is Jonah?
Jon 1:10
Joesph was placed by Pharaoh over this land.
What is Egypt?
Gen 41:41
What animal takes away the sins of the world?
What is the "Lamb of God?"
John 1:29
She called her husband "lord".
Who is Sarah?
1 Pe 3:6
Man must not live on this alone.
What is bread?
Mat 4:4
Paul and Barnabas disputed over him.
Who is Mark?
Acts 15:37-39
The Jordan River
Where did John baptize people at?
Mt 3:6
This animal will eat straw like the bull.
What is a lion?
Is 11:7
His son was Jonathan?
Who is Saul?
1 Sa 14:49
The land flowing with milk and this sticky sweetner?
What is honey?
Ex 3:8
Solomon said she was beautiful like the moon.
Who was the Shulammite Girl?
Ca 6:10
Nebuchadnezzar made Daniel ruler of this city.
What is Babylon?
Dan 2:48
Jehovah made this animal talk.
What is a donkey?
Num 22:28
Peter called him "A preacher of righteousness."
Who is Noah ?
2 Pe 2:5
This withered away instantly.
What is a fig tree?
Matt 21:19
King of Salem.
Who is Melchizedek?
Ge 14:18
Mordecai sat at the kings gate in this city.
Where is Shuhan?
Es 2:19
We are to be cautious as serpents but innocent as what?
What is a dove?
Matt 10:16
He watered but God kept making it grow.
Who is Apollos?
1 Cor 3:6
What did the Israelites name the bread.
What is Manna?
EX 16:31