The Bible speaks of this twin as being a "skilled hunter, a man of the field," whereas his brother is described as a "blameless man, dwelling in tents."
Who is Esau?
This name means "Jehovah is Salvation."
What is "Jesus"?
This son of David succeeded his father as king of Israel.
Who is Solomon?
Leah, Rachel, Bilhah and Zilpah.
Who are Jacob's wives and concubines?
This was the first original song to be released.
What is "The Best Life Ever"?
David's eldest brother, who Samuel concluded was Jehovah's choice for the kingship. Of whom Jehovah said "Do not pay attention to his appearance or how tall he is, for I have rejected him."
Who is Eliab?
This apostle bore the same Hebrew name as an eminent member of his tribe—the first king of Israel.
Who is Paul, or Saul?
This Israelite king had the distinction of being, at least briefly, the last king of the united monarchy and then the first ruler of the Southern two-tribe kingdom of Judah.
Who is Rehoboam?
The Bible says that this prophetess would sit under a palm tree and "the Israelites would go up to her for judgement." She conveyed God's message that the Israelites would defeat the mighty Sisera.
Who is Deborah?
The original song "With Jehovah We Are One" was originally written and released in this simple African language.
What is Lingala?
This apostle is not as well known as his more outspoken brother. When asked by Jesus "What are you looking for?" His answer revealed that he valued spiritual things.
Who is Andrew?
Meaning "one making forgetful, one who makes forget," Joseph named his firstborn this because, he said "God has made me forget all my troubles and all the house of my father."
What is "Manasseh"?
This son of Asa ruled as king over the southern two tribe kingdom of Judah for 25 years. The Bible says of him "He did what was right in Jehovah's eyes. However, the high places were not removed, and the people had not yet prepared their heart for the God of their forefathers."
Who is Jehoshaphat?
Two of this faithful woman's prayers are recorded in the Bible. She addresses the first of her prayers to "Jehovah of Armies." She is the first person in the Bible to be quoted as using that title.
Who is Hannah?
In the video for this original song, the story of Joseph (Jacob's son by Rachel) is depicted in a dramatization.
What is "Never Alone"?
These two brothers had been appointed by their father, Samuel, to be judges, but their dishonesty in office gave the people an excuse to ask for a human king.
Who are Joel and Abijah?
This name means "Son of Comfort." This name was given to this man by the other apostles, who knew him well. Of this man it is written "He was a good man and full of holy spirit and faith."
What is "Barnabas"?
Three of four of this king of Judah's sons mentioned in the Bible went on to rule as kings of Judah, like their father. These three sons were Jehoahaz, Jehoiakim, and Zedekiah.
Who is Josiah?
This is the only woman mentioned in the scriptures as having the feminine form of the word "disciple" applied to her. (This, however, does not mean that she held a special position in the congregation, for all Christians were actually disciples of Jesus Christ.)
Who is Dorcas, or Tabitha?
This is the number of songs available under the tab "original songs" in JW Library.
What is 66?
Despite Jehovah’s declaration that the kingship would go to his brother Solomon, this man began boasting that he would be Israel’s next king. His scheme was thwarted by Nathan the prophet and he was later put to death by Benaiah.
Who is Adonijah?
This well known name is shared by two Bible characters. One a man, one a woman. The woman who bore this name was one of five daughters of Zelophehad, who, along with her sisters, received an inheritance among her father's brothers.
Who is Noah?
This king of Israel ruled for 20 years starting in about 778 BCE. His rule was contemporaneous with Judean kings Uzziah, Jotham, and Ahaz.
Who is Pekah?
This woman was freed by Jesus from the bondage of seven demons. She then became a loyal follower of Jesus.
Who is Mary Magdalene?
In the video "Why we came to Bethel," children are shown singing the Caleb and Sofia visit Bethel song in these 3 languages.
What are Spanish, English, and Tagalog?