This Greek word (meaning “five rolls” or “fivefold volume”) refers to the first five books of the Bible
In the Israelites early travels in the wilderness, they stopped at this “mountain of the true God”.
Mount Horeb or Sinai
According to the video, “Jehovah's Witnesses—Faith in Action, Part 1: Out of Darkness”, Charles Russell inherited what business from his father and then used the money from its sale to publish the Watchtower magazine?
Men’s Clothing
537 BCE
Jews released from Babylonian captivity by Cyrus of Media/Persia
Which of these animals is NOT in the Bible? Ape, Bat, Elephant, Chameleon
Ape (1 Kings 10:22)
Bat (Lev. 11:19)
Chameleon (Lev. 11:30)
An island where, according to Rev. 1:9, the apostle John was exiled “for speaking about God and bearing witness to Jesus.”
This Asian country desperately needs friends to travel here as need greaters. According to the 2019 service year report of Jehovah’s Witnesses, the ratio of population to publishers is 1 to 517,606.
Bangladesh (324 pub – 163 million pop)
According to the 2019 service year report of Jehovah’s Witnesses, how many branch offices are there in the world?
CLOSEST TEAM GET THE POINTS – What year did Adam die?
3096 BCE
Is. 11:6-9 describes the conditions in the coming new world. What two animals are said to “…feed together”
Cow and Bear
Mentioned in Rev. 3:7-13, the congregation in this city in W Asia Minor was one of seven mentioned in Revelation chapters 1-3 where Jesus gave both encouragement and counsel. This congregation must have been encouraged when Jesus said they faithfully kept his word and did not prove false to his name (vs. 8)
At Acts 16:9-12, Paul had a vision of a Macedonian man urging him to, “Step over into Macedonia and help us”. After having this vision, Paul started out on his 2nd missionary tour. What was the name of the first city they traveled to and stayed in to preach?
As mentioned in Vol. 5, 2018 WT - Before learning the truth, which current governing body member was a boxer, and even enrolled in the Golden Gloves organization?
Samuel Herd
October 6, 2014
JW Broadcasting launched
How many square cubits of volume was Noah’s Ark?
450,000 cubic cubits
Gen. 6:15 says the ark was 300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide and 30 cubits high. The ark measured 437 ft L × 73 ft W × 44 ft H), less than half the length of the ocean liner Queen Elizabeth 2. This gave the ark approximately 1,400,000 cu ft in gross volume. Internally strengthened by adding two floors, the three decks thus provided gave a total of about 96,000 sq ft of space.
Mentioned in Num. 23:27, 28; King Balek took King Balem to this mountain to try to get him to curse Israel. This mountain has been also been associated with pagan Baal worship.
This island in the Atlantic ocean definitely does NOT need friends to travel here as need greaters. According to the 2019 service year report of Jehovah’s Witnesses, the ratio of population to publishers is 1 to 36.
St. Helena (114 pub – 4000 pop)
Before making the organizational change on 10/7/2000, there were 5 presidents of the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society who were also members of the governing body. Name all 5 IN ORDER.
Charles Russell, Joseph Rutherford, Nathan Knorr, Frederick Franz, Milton Henschel
July 26, 1931
The name Jehovah’s Witnesses adopted at a convention in Columbus, OH
Matt. 6:26 says, “Observe intently the birds of heaven; they do not sow seed or reap or gather into storehouses, yet your heavenly Father feeds them….” In the parallel account at Luke 12:24, Luke records what kind of bird Jesus is talking about….What kind of bird was it?
In the account at Acts 28:7, 8 – This wealthy land-owning resident of Malta, also called “the principal man of the island “, kindly entertained Paul and those with him for three days after their shipwreck on the island. Paul, in turn, healed his father of fever and dysentery.
In the account at Mark chapters 7 & 8, Jesus traveled to this region E of the Jordan River. While there, he healed a deaf man having a speech impediment and later miraculously fed a crowd of 4000.
The Decapolis
As mentioned in the 8/15, 2015 WT - Over a period of 20 years, brother Geoffrey Jackson, a current member of the governing body, compiled a list of words and there meanings in his foreign language missionary assignment in the south pacific. That list eventually turned into a dictionary that the Australian government printed as a gift for the people of that land in 2001. What language was it?
Tuvaluan (Tuvalu)
Nissan 14, 1943 BCE
Abraham crosses the Euphrates River marking the start of the Abrahamic covenant
According to the insight book, vol. 1, pg. 226, this is the designation for one of the two goats use on the annual Day of Atonement. While one of the goats was sacrificed, this goat was the one that was preserved alive for a time and sent away into the wilderness. This act symbolized the carrying off the nation’s sins of the past year. What was the designation (name) given to this goat?
NOTE: This is where we get the term scapegoat.