What was the date of the Great Disappointment?
October 22, 1844
What is the Image of God the opposite
Sin, duhhhhhh
Define Sola Scriptura
Scripture Alone
Define eisegesis
An objective view point of scripture.
God has every right to...
Divorce Humanity
Who founded the first division?
Joseph Turner
Sin ultimately leads to...
What does the flame represent?
The three angles message
What is the sixth Commandment
Don't murder
What were Hosea's kids names?
Jezreel, Lo-Ruhamah, Lo-Ammi
What was the main point of the "Shut Door Theology" division
Jesus Did not come back because Salvation was closed.
Repentance is dying to... and turning...to God
What are two of the main beliefs of the SDA church?
focus on the second coming, focused on Sabbath
How many books are in the Bible?
Who are the main characters In 1 Samuel?
David, Saul, Samuel
What book of the Bible did William Miller get the year from?
What are the 3 R's for the unpardonable sin?
Refusal, Repentance, Responsiveness
What does the Bible represent in the SDA logo?
It represents the fact that the SDA church relies on the Bible and keeps this as the center of the religion.
What is the test of the prophet?
1. Called by God
2. driven to expose sin
3. sense compromise.
What does Hosea and Gomers marriage represent?
God's relationship with Israel.
What Book of the Bible did William Miller get the date from.
What is the Sin cycle in order?
2. Disobedience
4. Warning
6. Repentance
Theology+ Psychology =
The Bible
What is the 23rd fundamental belief?
Marriage and Family
Northern kingdom of Israel was wiped off of the map because of...