Mother to King Solomon
Who is Bathsheeba?
This faithful sister was also a seller of purple
Who is Lydia?
Cut off by Peter, repaired by Jesus
What was Malchus' ear?
Can't live on this alone
What is bread?
Made with King David
What is Kingdom covenant?
Sister to Moses and Aaron
Who is Miram?
Fabric of depression
What is sackcloth?
Job said he escaped by this on his teeth
What is skin?
Became human fish food
Who is Jonah?
Visual reminder that earth will never be destroyed by a Flood
What is a rainbow?
Ark builders sons
Who are Shem,Ham, and Japeth?
Joseph was last seen by his brothers wearing this item
What is a striped coat/garment?
Organ needed to serve Jehovah completely
What is the heart?
Red Sea survivors missed eating these items
What are leaks, onions, watermelon?
All nations of earth would be blessed by means of this
What is Abrahamic covenant?
Thanks to Isaac, Abraham had these two twin grandsons
Who are Esau and Jacob?
Feature of Jesus inner garment at the time he was nailed on torture stake
What is seamless?
Where a hand would be placed sometimes when making an oath
What is a thigh?
Isrealites were promised to inhabit a land flowing with these two items
What is milk and honey?
Not pet friendly. PETA would not approve.
What was Law covenant?
Father to Nadab and Abihu.
Who is Aaron?
Leprosy could be found in these two places of thread
What is the warp and woof
Ehud stabbed Eglon in his big fat
What is belly?
Produce created by our speech
What is fruit of lips?
Sons opposed worship of Golden Calf. Resulted in priesthood.
What was Levitical covenant?