Father of John the Baptizer. Pansamantalang napipi.
Zechariah / Zacarias - Luke 3:2
Babylon - Jer 25:11,12
IMAGE (Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream): head of gold
Babylon - Daniel 2:38
Date of Jesus Christ death.
Nisan 14, 33 C.E.
Year when JW Broadcasting started.
October 2014
Possible writer of the book of Esther.
Mordecai / Mardokeo - e. Insight vol. 1 p. 762
Where Jesus was impaled.
Golgotha / Golgota - John 19:17,18
IMAGE (Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream): legs of iron
“As for the fourth kingdom, it will prove to be strong like iron. Forasmuch as iron is crushing and grinding everything else, so, like iron that shatters, it will crush and shatter even all these.”—Dan. 2:40.
Rome - w81 5/15 23-26
Bonus: Your baptism date or the year when you first knew Jehovah should be your God.
Bonus: 200pts
Title of the first JW Original Song.
The Best Life Ever
Like mother like daughter. Daughter of Queen Jezebel.
Athaliah. Queen of Judah -2 Ki 8:18,26 ; e Insight vol. 1 p. 209
“the ark came to rest on the mountains of _____.” (Gen. 8:4)
“the ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat.” (Gen. 8:4)
IMAGE (Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream): stone cut out of mountain
God's Kingdom - Daniel 2:44, 45
First bird released by Noah.
Raven / Uwak - Genesis 8:7
The Bible text where we got our name from.
“‘You are my witnesses,’ is the utterance of Jehovah, ‘and I am God.’” (Isa. 43:10)
Bonus: Who is your favorite Bible character? Explain why.
Bonus: 400
Possible that it's Jesus' favorite garden.
Gethsemane / Getsemani - Mt 26:36-56; Mr 14:32-52; Lu 22:39-53; Joh 18:1-12.
IMAGE (Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream): belly and thighs of copper
"And another kingdom, a third one, of copper, that will rule over the whole earth.”—Daniel 2:39
Greece - go 52-55
Bonus: Your favorite biblical event that already happened. Explain why.
Bonus: 400
Year when our organization changed it's name to Jehovah's witnesses. Bonus: Who announced it?
“We desire to be known as and called by the name, to wit, Jehovah’s witnesses.” -
Columbus, Ohio, in 1931
Bonus: 500pts Brother Rutherford
Last good King of Judah.
King Josiah - 2 Ki 21: 23, 24 ; 2 Ch 34:3
It was here that Elijah had King Ahab assemble the people to witness the test between Baal, represented by the 450 prophets of Baal, and the true God Jehovah, represented by Elijah.
Mount Carʹmel - (1Ki 18:19-39)
IMAGE (Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream): breast and arms of silver
Daniel 5: 28 “PEʹRES, your kingdom has been divided and given to the Medes and the Persians.”
Baptism year of Jesus.
the fall of 29 C.E., Jesus came to John to be baptized. - See App. A7
In the course of those days, Jesus came from Nazʹa·reth of Galʹi·lee and was baptized in the Jordan by John. - Mark 1:9
Your most memorable event in the organization. Explain why.
Bonus: 500