Bible geography
Bible terms
Books of the Bible

This place is also called “Zion” or “the city of David”

Este lugar también se llama "Sion" o "la ciudad de David"

What is Jerusalem?



In the Christian Greek Scriptures, a prison-like abased condition into which the disobedient angels of Noah’s day were cast. 

En las Escrituras Griegas Cristianas, una condición abatida parecida a una prisión en la que fueron arrojados los ángeles desobedientes de los días de Noé.

What is Tartarus?



This is the longest book of the Bible.

Este es el libro más largo de la Biblia.

What is psalms?



The two rivers surrounding Babylon

los dos Rios que circundante Babilonia

What are the Euphrates and the Tigris?

Éufrates y Tigris 


Miracles that occurred on the day of Jesus death.

milagros que occurrieron el dia de la muerte de Jesus 

1. Darkness from the 6th hour to the 9th hour


2. a violent earthquake occurs


3. the long, heavy curtain that divides the Holy from the Most Holy in God’s temple is ripped in two

cortina rasgada


The town in Galilee that Jesus grew up in.

La ciudad de Galilea en la que creció Jesús

What is Nazareth?



The Greek name for the Valley of Hinnom, southwest of ancient Jerusalem. (Jer 7:31) It was prophetically spoken of as a place where dead bodies would be strewn.Symbolizes everlasting destruction.

El nombre griego del Valle de Hinom, al suroeste de la antigua Jerusalén. (Jer 7:31.) Se habló proféticamente de él como un lugar donde los cadáveres serían esparcidos y simboliza la destrucción eterna.

What is Gehenna?



 CA stands for this word when acting as an abbreviation for Song of Solomon.
Can significa esta palabra cuando actúa como abreviatura de El Cantar de los Cantares

What is Canticles?

Que es canticos?


Name the 3 tribes of Israel located on the east side of the Jordan River.

 Nombra las 3 tribus de Israel ubicadas en el lado este del río Jordán

What are Gad, Reuben, and Manasseh?

Gad rubén manasés


What is the one miracle that Jesus performed that is recorded in all 4 gospel accounts?

Cuál es el único milagro que Jesús realizó que está registrado en los 4 relatos de los evangelios?

What is feeding the 5000 with bread and fish?

alimentar a los 5000 con pan y pescado?


Name the twelve tribes of Israel

Nombra las doce tribus de israel

What is Reuben, Simeon, Judah, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Benjamin, Ephraim, and Manasseh?

rubén, simeón, judá, Dan, Neftalí, Gad, Aser, Isacar, Zabulón, Benjamín, Efraín, Manasés


The land was to lie fallow during this year, and Hebrew slaves were to be set free. Hereditary lands that had been sold were returned. 

La tierra estaría en barbecho durante este año, y los esclavos hebreos serían liberados. Se devolvieron las tierras hereditarias que se habían vendido.

What is Jubilee year?



meaning of Ecclesiastes.

significado de eclesiastés

Greek Septuagint, namely, Ek·kle·si·a·stesʹ (Ecclesiastes), meaning “a member of an ecclesia (congregation; assembly).”

asamblea, congregacíon 


Another name for the Tigris river

otro nombre para el rio Tigris 

What is the Hiddekel?que es el Hidequel


This book alone mentions the archangel Michael’s dispute with the Devil over Moses’ body and the prophecy uttered centuries earlier by Enoch.

Este libro solo menciona la disputa del arcángel Miguel con el Diablo sobre el cuerpo de Moisés y la profecía pronunciada siglos antes por Enoc.

What is Jude?

Que es Judas


Noah’s ark landed here.

El arca de Noé aterrizó aquí

What is mount Ararat?


 It refers to that which is opposed to Christ. It may also refer to a false Christ. All people, organizations, or groups that falsely claim to represent Christ or claim to be the Messiah or that oppose Christ and his disciples can properly be called this.

Se refiere a aquello que se opone a Cristo. También puede referirse a un falso Cristo. Todas las personas, organizaciones o grupos que afirman falsamente representar a Cristo o afirman ser el Mesías o que se oponen a Cristo y sus discípulos pueden llamarse así correctamente.

Who is the Antichrist?



Name the fourteen books Paul wrote.

Nombra los catorce libros que escribió Pablo

Romans, I/II Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, I/II Thessalonians, I/II Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews

Romanos, 1/2 corintios, gálatas, efesios, filipenses, colosenses, 1/2 tesalonicenses, 1/2Timoteo,Tito, Filemón, Hebreos


Name the two first rivers mentioned as flowing from eden. The first that encircled Havilah where there is gold and the second encircled Cush.
Nombra los dos primeros ríos que se mencionan que fluyen desde el Edén. El primero que rodeó a Havilah donde hay oro y el segundo rodeó a Cus

What are Pishon and Gihon?

que son el pisón y el guihón


Moses wrote these books

moises escribío estos libros

What are Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Job?

Génesis, Exodo, levítico, números, deuteronomio, Job 


Paul and Barnabas went to this city and we’re worshipped and then they were stoned.

Pablo y Bernabé fueron a esta ciudad y nos adoraron y luego los apedrearon

What is Lystra?



It means little books. As in a compilation of many books.
Significa pequeños libros. Como en una recopilación de muchos libros

What is the Bible?


Gospel account that is directed to non-Jews.

Cuenta del evangelio que está dirigida a los no judíos

what is John?


What does Jehovah call himself in Jeremiah 2:13

¿Cómo se llama Jehová a sí mismo en Jeremías 2:13

What is the source of living water?

la Fuente de Agua viva


John 5:29 says this.

juan 5:29 dice...

What is Do not be amazed at this, for the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out, those who did good things to a resurrection of life, and those who practiced vile things to a resurrection of judgment.”