I wrote the 1st five books of the Bible. Who Am I?
What was the first miracle Jesus ever performed?
Turning water into wine ~ John 2:7-9
What does the rainbow represent?
God’s promise that he will never destroy the world again by means of a deluge
This Apostle walked on water. Who am I?
What bible book recorded the miraculous parting of the Red Sea
Red Sea
How many different species of animals survived the flood in Noah’s day
All of Them ~ Genesis 7:1-2
How many children will Job have in the resurrection?
20 - Job 1:2,18,19; 42:13
This Apostle was a beloved Physician. Who am I?
Luke - Col 4:14
This bible book tells the account of the tower of Babel and of when Jehovah first confused the languages of mankind
Genesis 11:1-10
David and the 10 Commandments
Moses and......
I had the privilege of baptizing many people who wanted to serve the true God & I also baptized my cousin. Who am I?
John the Baptist
Who was the Apostle who replaced Judas Iscariot
A. Maurice
B. Matthias
C. Bobby
D. Justus
Matthias - Acts 1:23-26
Besides the Bible Book of Peter, name the 4 other bible books which start with the letter P
Psalms, Proverbs, Philippians, Philemon
Noah & the Big Fish
Jonah & the ...............
Name our Kingsessing Elders
Adams R. Smith Griffin
Burke B. Smith Flemings
Gamble Austin Simmons
Fennell Williams Greenwood
Which apostle was inspired by Jehovah to write the most bible books? 800
How many books did he write? 1600
PAUL - 14 Books!
How many books of the bible have at least 2 books with the same name?
Who were the 1st twins mentioned in the Bible?
Jacob & Esau ~ Gen 25:20-26
Approximately what year did Jehovah’s servants adopt the name Jehovah’s Witnesses?
Find the Scripture that lists the Names of the 12 Apostles - Who were they?
Simon Peter Andrew Simon
James John Judas
Philip Bartholomew
Thomas Matthew
Alphaeus Thadaeus