Why is the Bible not a book?
It is many books. The word, 'Bible' comes from a Greek word Biblia which means, "books."
This was one of the most talented men in the Bible. He was a super strong shepherd. He killed a lion with his bare hands. He composed music and wrote poems. He killed a giant. He was Israel's most successful king.
King David 1 Samuel 17
Who was the strongest man in the Bible?
The first garden God made
Soldiers cast lots over this man's garment.
What is the shortest book in the Bible?
2 John, it has only 13 verses
Who is the oldest person in the Bible, and how old was he?
Methuselah. Genesis 5:27
Who was the wisest man in the Bible?
Jesus wore a crown made of this
This man left his coat behind, as he fled a seductive woman
The Old Testament was originally written in what language?
Who put on a goatskin disguise?
Jacob - Genesis 27:1-40
This smooth-skinned man tricked his father into giving him the blessing that had been saved for his hairy elder brother Esau by putting goatskins on his hands and part of his neck.
Who were the most fireproof men in the Bible?
Shadrach, Meshach, and AbedNego.
This man climbed a tree to see Jesus
This man stole a garment and some gold, and was stoned for it.
The New Testament was originally written in what language?
Greek and Aramaic-one or both answers count.
Who was the fattest man in the Old Testament?
Eglon, King of Moab.
This man was "full of faith and power." He performed "great wonders and signs among the people." One day he preached a sermon, and was stoned to death for it. He is the first Christian martyr.
Adam and Eve made clothes for themselves using this plants' leaves.
fig leaves
A woman touched the hem of Jesus garment, and was healed of this problem
7. How many words are there in the Bible?
773,692 words. It would take you 70 hours to read the whole Bible aloud.
One of the Old Testament judges wanted God to tell him that he would save Israel. To find out, he put a fleece outside overnight. If there was dew on the fleece but not on the ground, the answer was yes. He got his answer but he still was not sure. He then asked for dew to be on the ground but not on the fleece. This happened to whom?
Gideon - Judges 6:36-40.
This king was the richest in the Bible. He received money from tribute, taxes, and trade. His country was so rich that silver was said to be as common as stones in Jerusalem.
The Israelites sent spies into the land of Canaan, which brought back samples of this fruit, so heavy that two men had to carry it.
This man was clothed in camel's hair.
John the Baptist