What emotions might students be feeling on the first day of class? Name one.
Nervous, excited
What does SLA stand for?
Second Language Acquisition
What is the difference between ESL and EFL?
English as a Second language (multicultural),
English as a Foreign language (monocultural)
What is the acronym for the learning styles test we used in module 1?
What are some advantages of being a multilingual teacher?
Answers vary
Can emphathize, can teach bilingually, better understanding of grammar, possibly more teaching experience
Name an icebreakers activity that does not require a lot of energy.
Art projects, string game, scrabble or other word activities
Name two potential culture barriers
High Stress
What does VARK stand for?
What are two questions that would be asked during a Speaking Interview?
Where do you live?
Who do you live with?
Tell me about your family.
What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
How important is free time to people in your country?
Why are classroom values important?
Answers vary
Which type of students might benefit from using art as opposed to a high energy activity?
Refugees, those coming from traumatic situations, those who may have experienced war
How are teaching styles different in Western Culture vs. Eastern Cultures?
Eastern is more lecture style, less student involvement
focus on exams and grades, book knowledge, memorization
List three things that a Visual learner might find helpful
Maps, diagrams, charts, graphs, flow charts, symbolic arrows, etc.
What types of activities would be appropriate for an advanced student?
Give an example of ESP (English or a specific purpose)
and EAP (English for Academic purpose)
ESP - To learn a specific occupation or skill
EAP - need to learn English to be able to enter university or higher ed
What are two examples of interview activities?
Find someone who..
Introduce your partner...
Wh - questions
List 10 factors that shape a person's worldview
where born, where live, where traveled, languages spoken, family, friends, religion, age, gender, education, experiences, skills
Define multimodal in your own words
Those who switch from mode to mode and are context specific
What are the 5 student levels that we will be using in this course?
Beginner, Elementary, Intermediate, Upper Intermediate, and Advanced
List 4 reasons why people want/need to learn English.
Government policy
School Curriculum
Parental Pressure
Personal Growth
Name the 5 SLA theorists we studied
Hymes and Halliday
Name 3 examples of how teachers can assess student needs
Student journals
Group discussions
What types of activities can you do in your classroom to meet the preferences of each of the four VARK modalities?
Answers vary
Name the four columns on the Speaking Level Guide
Fluency and Coherence
Use of Vocabulary
Grammatical Range and Accuracy