Acts and journeys of the apostles

Geography of the Old Testament
Gospel facts - Miscellaneous from Matthew to John
Patriarchs - From Abraham to Joseph.
Quotes - N.T. - Who said? To whom? - New Testament

Statistics & Numbers

On what day were the disciples filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues?

What is Pentecost.

See: Acts 2:1-4 


To what city was Jonah sent by God to cry against its wickedness?

What is Nineveh

See: Jonah 1:2


After Jesus fed the five thousand with five loaves and two fish, how many baskets full of fragments were collected?

Who is 12

See: Mark 8:19


Who spoke to Abraham the words, `Lay not thine hand upon the lad, neither do thou any thing unto him`?

What is An angel

See: Genesis 22:11-12


Who did Paul exhort, `Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit...`?

Who is Timothy

See: 1 Timothy 4:12


How many basketfuls of bread were left over after Jesus fed the 5,000 men?

What is 12

See: Mark 6:43


What woman was raised from the dead by Peter through the spirit of God?

Who is Tabitha

See:  Acts 9:40 


Goliath, the Philistine giant, was from what city?

What is Gath

See: 1 Samuel 17:4


What was the name of the blind man who 'sat by the highway side begging`, and who cried out to Jesus for mercy?

Who is Bartimaeus

See: Mark 10:46-47  


Where was Abram when God said to him, `Get thee out of thy country`?

What is Ur.
See: Genesis 11:31 


Whose disciples said unto Jesus, `Art thou he that should come, or do we look for another?`

What is John the Baptist.

See: Matthew 11:2-3


After Peter's address to the crowd following the healing of the crippled beggar, how many male believers were there?

What is about 5,000
See: Acts 4:4 


How many men were chosen to minister to the widows so that the apostles would be free for the ministry of the word and prayer?

What is 7.

See: Acts 6:3


What mountain is called `the mount of God`?

What is Horeb

See: 1 Kings 19:8 


Where did Mary bring her newborn son Jesus `when the days of her purification according to the law of Moses were accomplished`?

What is Jerusalem

See: Luke 2:22


Who did Abraham take to wife after Sarah died?

Who is Keturah

See: Genesis 25:1


`Certain of the Jews banded together, and bound themselves under a curse, saying that they would neither eat nor drink till they had killed` whom?

Who is Paul
See: Acts 23:12 


In the first year of king Belshazzar's reign Daniel had a dream about animals. How many animals were in the vision?

What is 4

See: Daniel 7:3


Who thought that `the gift of God` could be purchased with money?

Who is Simon

See: Acts 8:18-20


Which of the following is not true concerning Bethlehem? 

  • Means `house of bread`
  • City where David died
  • Fortified by Rehoboam
  • South of Jerusalem

What is City where David Died.

See:1 Kings 2:10 


When responding to Jesus` claim to rebuild the temple in three days, how many years did the Jews say it took to build the temple?

What is 46 years
See: John 2:19-20 


Which of the following was not one of Abraham's sons?

  • Eliezer
  • Midian
  • Ishmael
  • Isaac

Who is Eliezer
See: Genesis 25:2-12 


Which of Jesus` disciples said unto him, `Lord, teach us to pray, as John also taught his disciples`? 

  • Andrew
  • John
  • Unknown
  • Peter

Who is unknown
See: Luke 11:1


How many fruits of the Spirit are there?

What is 9
See: Galatians 5:22-23 


What seaport in Asia did Paul prefer to walk to from Troas?

What is Assos

See: Acts 20:13-14


Where were the Israelites encamped by the Red Sea when the Egyptians came up and were about to overtake them?

What is Pi-hahiroth
See: Exodus 14:2


What did Jesus promise his faithful disciples `in the regeneration`?

Who is They shall judge Israel

See: Matthew 19:28


How many years did Jacob live in Egypt before his death?

What is 17
See: Genesis 47:28


Who did Paul describe as, `mine own son after the common faith`?

Who is Titus
See: Titus 1:4 


How many parables did Jesus tell in the book of Luke?

What is 24

See: Luke