Peter doing when Jesus first saw him?
Casting a net into the sea--fishing
What was the reason that Daniel was thrown into the lion's den?
Praying or not bowing to the king
The Lord sent Jonah to preach against what city?
Nineveh Reference: Jonah 1:2
To whom was Joseph sold in Egypt?
For how long did the flood waters continue?
40 days Reference: Genesis 7:17
What was Peter's other name?
Simon Reference: Matthew 4:18
What was done to Daniel's accusers?
They were thrown into the lion's den Reference: Daniel 6:24
But Jonah decided to go to which city instead?
Tarshish Reference: Jonah 1:3
Joseph was sold for what?
Twenty pieces of silver Reference: Genesis 37:28
How many times did Noah send the dove from the Ark?
3 Reference: Genesis 8:8-12
How did Peter ask the Lord to confirm that it was He who had appeared to them in the midst of the storm?
Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water." Reference: Matthew 14:28
Who shut the mouth of the lions?
An angel from God Reference: Daniel 6:22
What was Jonah doing in the ship during the storm?
Sleeping Reference: Jonah 1:5.
Where were the apostles first called Christians?
What kind of leaf was in the dove's mouth when it returned to the ark?
Olive Reference: Genesis 8:11
Jesus asked Who do you say that I am?
Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God?" Matthew 16:15,16
Which king had Daniel thrown into the lion's den?
Darius Reference: Daniel 6:8,9
What did the mariners do to try to save the ship?
Threw their cargo overboard Reference: Jonah 1:5
To whom did Joseph's brothers sell him?
Ishmaelites Reference: Genesis 37:25-28
How old was Noah when he died?
950 years Reference: Genesis 9:29
Which two of the other disciples did Jesus take with Peter up to the mountain where He was transfigured before them?
James and John Reference: Matthew 17:1,2
Who plotted to kill Daniel?
His fellow administrators Reference: Daniel 6:1-5
How long was Jonah in the belly of the fish?
3 days Reference: Jonah 1:17
Who suggested selling Joseph?
Judah Reference: Genesis 37:26,27
What was the first thing Noah built when he left the ark?
Altar Reference: Genesis 8:18-20 Pray without ceasing