Once a zealous Pharisee, I found myself relentlessly persecuting Christians. As I journeyed to Damascus with the intent to continue my mission against the followers of Jesus, a sudden, blinding light from heaven knocked me off my horse. In that transformative moment, Jesus himself appeared to me, questioning why I was persecuting Him.

Who is Saul?


"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."

1 John 1:9 KJV


Life took an unexpected turn when, after my husband's death, I followed my mother-in-law back to Bethlehem. This change led to marriage with a generous landowner and unexpectedly became part of the lineage of King David. The twists in my journey were guided by providence, shaping a remarkable story beyond my initial plans.


One of the twelve disciples, I fell from grace when he betrayed Jesus for thirty pieces of silver, ultimately leading to Jesus' arrest and crucifixion.

Judas Iscariot


I Fled to Paddan Aram to escape Esau's anger and later returned to Canaan. 



My life took a challenging turn when I spoke against him, resulting in my affliction with leprosy. In deep repentance, I sought forgiveness from God, and miraculously, He extended His mercy. Through this experience, I learned profound lessons about the consequences of challenging chosen leaders and the transformative power of genuine repentance, as I witnessed my healing and restoration by the divine hand.

Who is Miriam

Bible reference: Numbers 12


"And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."

Romans 12:2 KJV


 Life took an unexpected turn when I embraced a simple lifestyle in the wilderness, proclaiming the imminent arrival of the Messiah. In the solitude of nature, my mission unfolded, paving the way for the ministry that followed. Little did I know that my humble path would play a crucial role in preparing hearts for the Savior.

John the Baptist


This couple fell from grace by lying about the proceeds from the sale of their property, facing severe consequences

Ananias and Sapphira


Fled to the Brook Cherith and later to Zarephath during the time of drought and famine.



As a businesswoman dealing in purple cloth from Thyatira, my encounter with a group of individuals proved pivotal. Welcoming them into my home, their words prompted deep reflection, leading to repentance and baptism. This transformative journey marked a shift from a life defined by commerce to one guided by spiritual richness. My home became a haven for sharing a newfound grace that surpassed the material wealth of purple cloth.

Who is Lydia
Bible reference: Acts 16:11-15 


"Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new."

2 Corinthians 5:17


Reluctant at first, my plans were altered when a divine call summoned me to be a prophet to the nations. This unexpected calling changed the trajectory of my life.



As priests, they fell from grace due to their corrupt practices and disobedience, leading to judgment on their house 

Eli's Sons (Hophni and Phinehas)


 Initially in Jerusalem, I later went to Samaria and later joined the Ethiopian eunuch on the road from Jerusalem to Gaza.



As the person responsible for imprisonment, my routine night turned extraordinary with an earthquake releasing the prisoners' chains. Mistakenly thinking they had escaped, I contemplated a desperate act. Reassurance stopped me, and the joy of discovering everyone present stirred a deep change. Filled with gratitude, I repented of my sins, embracing Jesus' teachings. This pivotal moment transformed me into a follower of Jesus, marking the beginning of a new and spiritually rich chapter in my life.

Who is The Philippian Jailer

Bible Reference: Acts 16:25-40


"A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh."

Ezekiel 36:26


My plan was to thresh wheat in secret, hiding from the oppressive Midianites. However, a divine intervention changed my course, as I was called to lead Israel against their oppressors.



The offspring of a wise ruler, this individual's harsh governance resulted in the split of the Israelite kingdom, leading to a loss of favor among the populace.



Partnered with Paul on his missionary journeys, traveling to locations such as Philippi, Thessalonica, and Corinth.



As a wealthy individual from Colossae and a follower of Jesus, my life took an unexpected turn when my slave ran away after wronging me. Later, through a divine encounter with a messenger, he repented of his sins and embraced the teachings of Jesus. In a heartfelt letter, the messenger appealed to me, urging forgiveness and requesting that I welcome him not as a slave but as a brother in Christ. This challenging situation became an opportunity for me to embody the principles of forgiveness and Christian brotherhood in a way that transcended societal norms.

Who is Philemon & Onesimus

Biblical Reference: Philemon 1


"Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost."

Titus 3:5


I had a plan to seek God, but I likely didn't anticipate an angelic visitation. God altered my plan by orchestrating a meeting with a chosen messenger, leading to my household embracing Christianity through the guidance of a prominent figure.

Bible reference: Acts 10


Mentioned by Paul in 1 Timothy 1:19-20, these individuals shipwrecked their faith and suffered the consequences.

Hymenaeus and Alexander


After being violated by my half-brother, lived in desolation in my brother house.

Princess Tamar (daughter of David)