Are there more books in the new or old testament?
What is one book name in the bible?
What can you use in the bible to tell you where to look up scripture?
Table of contents
What are Adam and Eve told not to do?
Eat from the tree of wisdom.
Jacob made this for Joseph since he was the favorite son. His brothers were angry.
What is a coat of many colors?
How many commandments are there that God gave Moses?
What is 10?
Who is the disciple that disobeyed Jesus?
Who is Judas Iscariot?
I was also known as Israel.
Who is Jacob
How many tribes were there?
What did people celebrate as a result of being freed from slavery in Egypt?
The lamb of God means what?
Jesus Christ
Why was Moses not allowed in the promised land?
He struck the rock twice.
Why did God pass over the houses of the people in Egypt with lamb's blood on their door?
They believed in him and did this to save their 1sy born sons.
What were the Jewish people moving away from when they crossed the Red Sea that God parted
Who took over for Moses while he was talking to God on Mt Sinai?
Moses created a tabernacle where?
What is in a tent
What did Moses do to show the people in the desert that him and Aaron should be leading vs. others? What happened?
Aaron’s staff sprouted flowers/almonds to show this
What was the 1st battle that was fought when the Israelites crossed the Jordan river into the promised land?
Cycle that has happened since the beginning of time and will forever?
Sin cycle
Who were the two main kings from the royal kingdom?
Saul and David
David and Bathseba had a son called?
What do prophets do?
Share what God tells them
What are people called that die for their faith?
The Maccabeen revolt tells us about what?