What Acronym illustrates the basic doctrine of Calvinism.
Which invention by Johannes Guttenburg impacted Church History?
Printing Press
What does the term Anabaptist mean?
God used the martyrdom of this reformers brother to bring him to Christ
Menno Simmons
Who said. "“I defy the Pope, and all his laws; and if God spares my life, ere many years, I will cause the boy that driveth the plow to know more of the Scriptures than thou dost”
William Tyndale
What Biblical phrase brought Luther to the point of placing his faith in Christ?
The Just Shall Live By Faith
Which Bible was History’s first study Bible?
Geneva Bible
Define Sola Scriptura
Scripture Alone
Who was the King of England that pointed England in the direction of Protestantism?
Edward VI
Who said, “Good people, I am come here to die…..I wash my hands in innocence, before God. Bear witness that I die a true Christian woman, and that I look to be saved by none other means, but only by the mercy of God in the merits of the blood of HIs only Son Jesus Christ. I thank God for His goodness that He hath this given me a time to repent. While I am alive, assist me with your prayers.”
Jane Grey
What point of doctrine did John Calvin emphasize?
The Sovereignty of God
The Church at Sardis was the ___________________________ Church.
What is the period of Church History represented by the church at Sardis often referred to?
The Reformation
Who is often referred to as the “Apostle to the English” or the “Preacher of the English Reformation?”
Hugh Latimer
Who said, ““If I was out of prison today, I would preach the gospel again tomorrow by the help of God”
John Bunyan
What issue did Zwingli and Luther disagree on?
The Lord's Supper
What significant change did Mary make in the religious makeup of England?
Turned it back to Catholicism
Jesus said this was the greatest display of love. John 15:13
What is a man lay down his life for his friends?
Who was the first Swiss anabaptist to be martyred?
Felix Manz
Who said, “And thus I close with this: I will firmly adhere to Christ and trust in him who is acquainted with all my needs and can deliver me out of it. Amen.”
Felix Manz
What emerged in 11th and 12th century as a means of earning “full remission of sins” this could be earned or even purchased.
How did Martin Luther respond to the Papal Bull issued by Leo X that excommunicated him from the church?
He burned it
What was the term used for French Protestants?
Name the Foremost leader of the Protestant Reformation in Switzerland?
Ulrich Zwingli
“Lord, open the King of England’s eyes.”
William Tyndale